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Arena Breakout – Kit Guide to Make Money Fast


Kits Guide

By skidatz

First of all, make sure to check out some other guides on how to make some quick cash to be able to run my kits, if you have 200k that would absolutely do, just make sure to not spend it all too quickly.

Here is my no.1 kit i like to recommend, some cheap and decent t3 and Mp5 with dum dums! You dont need to spend too much money on meds if you‘re low on koen, if you die before killing someone you just wasted your money, and if you managed to kill someone you can pick up his meds,

Also, whatever gun you are going to use, i recommend you using the meds and armor etc ive showed you earlier, its not only cheap, but also drippy.

To make it not a too long guide so you can finally start grinding the shet out of lockdown with your cheap kits, i want to show you some budget guns you can use for rushing/ ratting besides mp5. I wanted to show some pretty „famous“ guns that cheap people like to use, if you can afford use the Akm with ps, Fal with Bpz at least, and the Ak47N with pp.

These guns tier 3 bullets arent that expensive, and yet they are pretty good, if you feel like its a waste of money because you meet t5s often, just use leg meta instead.

Now i hope you guys will have awesome and stacked and many many lucky raids like i had with these kits, now that you, dear reader, finished reading, its time to…

If you have a bit more koen I suggest buying the liquid painkiller(either red or white is ok, you can buy either depending on price at the time), because it’s still reasonably cheap and lasts longer since in most situations you would like ur PK to last more than a minute, extra bonus is it doesn’t take away hydration, if you broke broke just ask one of ur rich rat or chad friends for a kit.

If you broke broke but still want that juicy liquid PK you can still trade with Lyle in contacts for the liquid painkillers by finding the items in normal raid or covert or in ur lockdown raids. You can also buy from market if that is an option for you.

Must say the trade items are quite common to find so it should be quite an easy task to grind for the PKs if that is what you want.

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