DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO – Singles Ranked Tier List
Singles Ranked Tier List (Accurate)
By Val.
The list up to good stats but meh kit non included, is accurate to how each character placed between each other, do note that sometimes a character is very close to almost minimal gain between him and the next.
Some characters might have their final form at a lower placement due to the benefits transforming brings them.
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Vocabulary: Nova (Explosive wave super), WS (wild sense), IS Instaspark, AIS (Afterimage strike), Gut punch (always meant on sidestep), FP (full power), IT (Instant transmission), EW (explosive wave), AUI (Autonomous Ultra Instinct).
MUI / Sign: Autonomous ultra instinct, forbids you from punishing him, unless they won’t stop smashing their controller after a mistake. The Rush (Sign can throw you with a heavy into transform > rush), the strong frontloaded melee combo that mixes fast and slow attacks, the gut punch on side step. MUI has it all.
Whis: Likewise he has AUI, he can sweep you into landing that 2 bar ki super that’s unvanishable for heavy damage, can heal back and has pretty strong/fast ki blasts due to his DP (ki blasts are affected by your vanish).
Blue Vegito: We are still on a passive meta however.. His ability to regain full ki through FP, his bloated stats, his easy to chain rush and gut punch (thats the best side step you will read it a lot here as good mention), makes him a top tier. No character is as oppressive as he is right now, not even MUI.
FP Jiren / JIren: Explosive wave makes him hard to get on, he attacks very strong, he has a nova super which allow him to force you not to rush on him, pretty strong all around. Has an unblockable ultimate that has a deceptive speed, it starts fast and slows down. Perfect for the ‘fly past them’ dragon dash trick into instant ultimate.
Blue Gogeta: His special ki blast into super manages to decimate most enemies, the input buffering on his IT that allow you to land that combo cheaply and his high damage propels him above G4 now that he also has a way to say ‘screw you’ to being combo’d. He has the hurricane combo on sidestep which isn’t all that great in fast pace melee, but overall he’s solid.
Gogeta S4: He got WS that becoming easier to dodge by the day as the community improves and IS but his ultimate is slow. He has a gut punch, hits extremely hard, the hardest in the game infact. His rush super has poor tracking but is extremely fast, pretty easy to chain into a lift up gut punch and can be chained to his ultimate making it slightly harder to vanish while potentially erase you from the game. He’s strong but he’s not as strong as the other above.
Base Kefla > SS2 Kefla: Why? Simple, base kefla has gut punch, a no backstep super rush and the same nova ultimate. Yes you’re losing IS/Saiyan Spirit in favor of WS/High tension.and 0.10% damage (2 DP value). But believe me, that super is FAST, you gut punch do the super 10/10 times will land. It almost borders the ‘cheese realm’ and beside the point, the follow up on lift up not being as fast throws out of the loop most opponents i fought.
Gogeta Z: His base kid is strong, nothing exceptional, his rush is on par with MUI but he also gains access to super armor allowing to play a lot more recklessly and unless his opponent is a stronger DP fusion version he can pretty much punch exchange you to death due to his sheer stats and defense buff he gains from the Immovable super armor.
Fused Zamasu: His kit based on zoning and ranged fights. He can ki blast blade (unblockable btw) into super for cheap 12k, regain range with his ki cannon, his kit is SERIOUSLY NOT oriented to melee and makes full use of the more passive meta. He can heal himself and turn into corrupted regaining almost 2 life bars and becoming more brawler-ish. He’s still strong as his DP would dictate if he can combo chain you, but his main selling point is still being one of the strongest ranged character.
Goku Black Rose’: People often complain about Broly Super into Super, but here’s a thing. Base broly super into SS1 broly is less damage than a single boosted super from Goku black rose’, he has infact Super Saiyan Gogeta attack stats. He has fast but not too fast combo and single hit making him harder to super counter, a ki blast thats unblockable and can be chained to either uncharged kamehameha, or IT combo, one of the best looking Ultimates. Good zoning tools and overall is a very balance and strong character.
Broly Super / LSS: There’s merit and demerits on starting on both forms, on Base you can super into ss1 super (Don’t use FP is a loss of points and slows you down overall). Then Lift up > Gut punch (thats a general combo) and/or perception (Which is a gut punch) into LSS for another 14000damage from nova. While LSS starts can start abuse his teleport into super much sooner and can hammer foes down through his super armor and bulkier stats.
Omega Shenron: Basically a stat check here, with a really good rush, gut punch, 4 ki bar start, same combos and sidestep as G4 he’s earned a spot here.
Blue Goku: Little to say, he’s just THAT good combo wise, his new kaioken gives him more slightly more attack than gogeta S4, a full combo if gone not super countered (talking about 2 and half string), can hit you for 30k damage. He has one of the best front loaded combo and gut punch. IT can’t be stressed enough in a meta where most of the picks enjoy the cozy and ranged battle over a fist fight and dashing on them puts you on disadvantage. With the new IT that allow buffering inputs and fast combos, he acts as a hard counter to people who takes it slow.
Hit: Has similar goku blue points, in addition of having the best rush albeit more expensive he won’t hit as hard as goku and his general combo is slightly worse, but he’s almost as solid. Replacing kaioken with AI, makes him more defensive than Goku. Think about offensive vs defensive oriented, but their whole kit scream brawler, hence why i’m putting blue goku above him, but they’re very close and interchangeable
Goku SS1 GT: Now if there’s a sleeped on character? That’s the one. His kamehameha is fast and silent (No cue at all) and smoke screen is almost guaranting it lands, it also counters WS with his unbendable once tracked beam, his fast combo, gut punch, ability to reapply gut punch while you’re on the ground as he’s a small model makes him really strong. He has a nova ultimate, which again, with his gut punch is quite literally easy to land and set up. All around he’s really good and slept on.
Super Perfect Cell: He’s fast, strong, his grab almost instantaneous, death beam god, good manouverability rush, WS/IT abilities combo. He’s good. Really good not as strong as above but he’s definitely up here.
Gohan SS2: Similar points to cell but instead he has one of the fastest kamehameha wave and an unblockable ult with IS and EW, has gut punch and pretty good combos department, he’s interchangeable with cell based on playstyle, but IT is prolly the best ability right now.
Majin Vegeta: A few persons in szchat were perplex about him being in the top, it’s not favoritism. He has access to super armor and IS, which makes him, albeit at an expensive cost in skill point, able to be untouchable for 15 seconds while forcing you to NOT dash on him as he could just blow you up with his ultimate. He got decent zoning tools, a death beam coded super and is overall a strong character, but what makes him in here is basically the ability to control the tides of the battle at an expensive cost.
Androids: Not gonna explain them all, they all can sustain semi charged ki blast spam with their recovery, A13 takes the cake due to his starting with more ability points and has more solid abilities and ability to transform into an 8 Dp character ragaining hp/full ki and Metal cooler follow up almost interchangeably with his ability to regain 15000 HP for 4 ability points.
Cell: Cell 1st/2nd form can try to cheese you through double gut punch rushes, which both forms have into ultimate for 1st form or rush for 2nd. Stealing HP won’t work on certain android (Funnily enough works on some like 13, not sure if its a bug).
For the 2nd part, the ‘good but not top’ or in some case the not great or can work if ur good, might raise an eye brow but is mainly based on redundant picks. Remember this is single there’s no point in starting powered down for ‘cool transformation factor’ as much that IS cool. Expect a lot of ‘this is redundant with better picks’.
Gogeta Super Base: Remember one line above how i spoke about redundant? Base gogeta super is basically worse G4. His kit is 1:1 minus gut punch and % stats on lack of DP compared to G4. Of course he’s still strong, but if you gotta play him base just play g4.
Gogeta Super SS: Basically worse version of Gogeta blue with less hat tricks (Ki blast into super). Still good but like above, just play blue.
Super Vegito: AIS got nerf, he’s still a 9 DP fusion with high stats, but he’s no longer a threat to most player at high level who can turtle shell for 10 seconds and SV has no real gain, it just stall and dull the matches in most cases. Double beam super also makes him no favor in super department. One is slightly faster than the other, but that’s about all the flavor he gets.
Super Janemba: Basically worse goku black rose with no super rush. Having both IT, side step ki shotgun and mostly the same combos. He has weird animations which throws off enemies off.
Zamasu: Another sleeper although not as strong as some, due to his low dp, his ability to still chain a ki blade into one of the fastest super in the game is remarkable. His super rush if boosted deal 14000 which is as much as super broly 2 super chain. He has gut punch everywhere and the ability to self heal albeit only for 8000. He’s strong and can surely throws enemies unfamiliar with him off the loop.
Ultimate Gohan: He’s basically G4 from wish. Unironically, same combos. Same super, same skills. On his plus side his rush got infinitely better tracking, but that’s about it.
SS2 Caulifla: She’s a better goku mid. WS/IA, Rush chainable with vanish war, a beam (or ball in this case) and beam ultimate, only hers is unblockable. She got gut punch unlike Goku mid that has ki cannon, breaking his aggressive moveset into a more positioning one, which is.. not as coherent as one would expect.
Base Goku Black: His stats are far too low to make it above but he has a true combo (As you cant dodge the 2nd attack if the 1st part hits) through his Super unblockable and very fast with good tracking and his ultimate. WS and a nice buff. He has gut punch, faster than average combos and fast launching supers. He’s good But he’s a worse version than some picks above him.
Golden Frieza: He has the usual WS/IA, being held back from his supers being mediocre and other picks playing very similar with better combos and supers. He’s still good and has really high attack, it can work if you put training into him and you like frieza.
Buuhan: He’s here as his kit is good, his kamehameha is fast, he has gut punch, AI allow him to play pretty fast and not take much breaks. He’s basically a worse Hit in a gameplay standpoint. Likewise frieza, if you put hours into him. He’s still gonna pull his weight. (Which may not be much since he’s bubblegum)
The good strat around kit basically borders cheesey strats, so instead of a full breakdown i’ll limit it to the strats and some strong points. They’rent ranked in strength just mumbo jumbo as its basically which strat will work first.
Goku SS4: He’s fairly slow, but can touch of death you through rush into ultimate (46k Buffed, 33k unbuffed). He has ki cannon on side step that is the worst sidestep attack sadly. His kamehameha is fast and his rushes has really good tracking to make up for it.
God Goku: I feel like everyone has seen a video of it. If you have 4/5 ki bar and hit a god bind you can transform to either base goku or blue goku, spark, delete the pushback with the rush super – blue preferably, No hard feeling hit into limit break kamehameha wave for 35k dmg.
SS Goku Mid: Like wise Goku SS4 he can chain his normal rush into vanish and get behind to land his Ultimate, he has IS to make it slightly easier. Having ki cannon on sidestep is still a very big minus.
Vegeta Blue: Ever heard of GAMMA BURSTOOOO FLASH? I bet you did. Lift up into gut punch and you can chain two of them for devastating damage. His kis is so-so. But his spammable super more than makes up for him. With his infinite buff + ‘im no pushover’ it hits well over 14000 boosted.
SS2 Kefla: At this point everyone heard of IS, ultimate rinse and repeat. Yeah please, try to low sweep your enemies, it’ll make it unblockable and undodgeable in most cases. They’d need to hit 12 vanish in a row to avoid it. She got better stats but her overall kit is worse than base kefla.
Super Bu / Buttenks: Basically regeneration healing for 15000, majin beam chaining into the donuts for a lot of unblockable damage if close enough due to his recent nerf you gotta melee them down from this advantage point, which still factors you healing for 1 bar and half every 80seconds unless points are otherwise used.
SS Kale Controlled: She got gut punch into nova. Like some other char above her and in this very tier, she just doesn’t have the stats to back it up further being a lower 6 DP character. Her ultimate is unblockable, so that’s cool.
Base / SS Future Trunks: Base future trunks has unblockable, his SS forms has ki slash (unblockable) and his gallick gun is faster than gohan’s SS2. But overall weaker than the aforementioned. So he’s in this tier. Base has gut punch, so base has that going on for him over his SS form.
LSS Kale: Ultimate is a nova, her howl is fast and paralyzes, IS is there, she’s slightly faster than the other brolys. But overall is paramounting to how many times you can IS, Sweep ult and repeat, her rush is really fast too but her melee is way too slow. Same to some other characters, making EVERY HIT super counterable as opposed of every other hit for most of the cast.
SS1 Broly Super: Why would you start here instead of base / lss?
LSS Broly Z: Unblockable ult, super armor, unblockable rush, he’s good. Too slow and easy to abuse now that IS and ki blasts got nerfed which were his main strength. He still got one of the highest attack in the game so a good Z broly that can throw hands WILL STILL chunk you off. But yeah those are, excedingly rare.
Cooler: Paralysis ki blasts, death beam, gut punch. He can extend his combo with paralysis after every 2nd intersection (I.e. 5 hit > gut punch > paralysis repeat) It’s obviously super counterable but that’s all they can do once you start.
Baby Vegeta: He got 2 ki refil and a possible giant with IS, Sparking giants hit 8k per hit for almost no wind up. He has an unblockable on his Super Baby 2, that’s also really fast. He got an ok Kit, but overall he’s there to over whelm you with his near infinite ki while his transformation lasts.
SS Adult Gohan: Worse version albeit with FP of Vegeta blue. His ki blast radious is much smaller than gamma burst flash. But he has FP, did i mention that?
Frieza 1st to 4th Form: Basically highest HP pool in the game 5500 (g4 and co has 50000) through his transformation healing up for 5000 each and a ki refill on full power, with not one but two unblockable and gut punches. He’s got his strats.
Good stats but meh kit, nothing to explain really. Kefla SS1, is inferior at either her base or ss2 form, beerus supers are too slow and flying kick on his sidesteps and fast combo are a definite minus, his ultimate is a joke now. Toppo is too clunky, base vegito is noticeably worse than blue, the Z broly are worse than his LSS by a long shot and has no silver-lining unlike his Super contrapart, Gotenks are not really great and recoome damage is non existent past his ultimate.
While the other could work, are characters that on paper are ok but then you compare them to the other runners and fall short. From the Top or Good characters.