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Sonic the Hedgehog 3 writers want to make a Wind Waker movie


There are plenty of different ways people were introduced to The Legend of Zelda. The more traditional Link, young Link, or even Toon Link. It depends on your age and when you first wished to save the titular princess from her woes.

No matter when you started your Zelda journey, though, if you’ve played The Wind Waker, you’re sure to remember it as one of the classics. Pat Casey and Josh Miller, the writers for Sonic the Hedgehog 3, speaking to IGN, revealed that they’d love to make a Wind Waker movie.

“I remember always when we played Wind Waker, we were always like, man, I mean, it would probably be weird if they made a Zelda movie to start with Wind Waker versus the more classic Hyrule,” said Miller. “But we both loved Wind Waker and it’s so cinematic. Yeah. So after they make this Zelda movie, I guess we’re putting it out there in the world, maybe we can do a Wind Waker spin-off.”

Would you watch a Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker movie?

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