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Pixar is breaking ground on The Incredibles 3’s script


It’s been six years already since The Incredibles 2 arrived in cinemas and ended a 14-year wait after the original Pixar animated adventure arrived. While we’ve already had to wait a while for a third film in the series, it looks like the wait won’t be nearly as long.

Speaking at D23 in Brazil, Pixar vice-president for film production Jonas H. Rivera mentioned in a video captured by CinePOP: “We are just now starting to write the script and it is so cool, I’m dying, I want to tell you more, but we’ll do that later.”

It’s unclear when exactly we’ll be able to head to cinemas to see The Incredibles 3, but if scriptwork is just kicking off, we can probably assume that 2027 or beyond is a reasonable guess for its arrival. It could be sooner and in late 2026, but Pixar has a lot of projects in the oven right now and no doubt it doesn’t plan to rush one that we’ve already been waiting six years for.

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