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All Endemic Life locations in Monster Hunter Wilds


Endemic Life is abundant in the world of Monster Hunter Wilds. These are small critters and bugs that naturally inhabit the various biomes you’ll wind up exploring, and they’re often easy to miss given their small sizes — when compared to Wilds’ Large Monsters anyway.

These creatures have some uses, but they’re largely necessary for completing Side Missions or Item Trades. Fortunately for you, however, we’ve detailed all Endemic Life locations — and items you can obtain from them — in this Monster Hunter Wilds Endemic Life guide.

All Endemic Life locations in Monster Hunter Wilds

In the table below, we’ve listed all currently known Endemic Life in Monster Hunter Wilds, the location in which you’ll find it, and the items you may be able to obtain from it.

Learn more about the below critters in your Endemic Life Field Guide, accessible via your menu. | Image credit: Capcom/VG247

We’ll update this table as and when we discover more little creatures around the map, and don’t forget that if you want to capture these little guys, you’ll need to equip your Capture Net. All caught Endemic Life will also reward you with a small amount of Guild Points.

Endemic Life: Location: Obtainable Items:
Vigorwasp/Giant Vigorwasp Plains, Forest, Wyveria Frostburst
Purewasp Basin, Cliffs, Wyveria Flashbug Phosphor
Paratoad Plains, Forest, Wyveria Godbug Essence
Nitrotoad Basin, Wyveria Bitterbug Broth
Sleeptoad Basin, Cliffs, Wyveria N/A
Flashflies Plains, Forest, Basin, Cliffs, Wyveria N/A
Vigormantle Bug Plains, Forest, Basin, Wyveria N/A
Chillmantle Bug Basin N/A
Heatmantle Bug Cliffs N/A
Rime Beetle Cliffs N/A
Flashbug Plains, Forest, Basin, Cliffs, Wyveria N/A
Godbug Plains, Forest, Basin, Cliffs, Wyveria Godbug Essence
Bitterbug Plains, Forest, Basin, Wyveria Bitterbug Broth
Thunderbug Plains, Wyveria Thunderbug Capacitor
Wiggly Lichi Plains, Forest, Basin, Wyveria N/A
Dung Beetle Plains, Basin Dung
Dark Hornet Plains, Forest, Wyveria N/A
Wedge Beetle Plains, Forest, Basin, Wyveria N/A
Windrustler/Black Windrustler Plains N/A
Landlight Shrimp Plains N/A
Amstrigian Plains, Forest N/A
Rufflizard Plains N/A
Ember Rufflizard Basin N/A
Tracktail Lizard Plains N/A
Pallbug Plains, Basin, Cliffs, Wyveria N/A
Emperor Hopper Plains, Forest N/A
Tyrant Hopper Wyveria N/A
Florashell Crab Forest N/A
Crudeshell Crab Basin N/A
Mimiphyta Forest N/A
Scarlet Joyperch Forest N/A
Omenfly Forest, Wyveria N/A
Hymstrigian Plains, Forest N/A
Amstrigian Plains, Forest N/A
Myriads Forest N/A
Regal Jewel Scarab Forest N/A
Pink Landlight Shrimp Basin N/A
Gloom Gekko Basin N/A
Sparklerjelly Basin N/A
Nu Yaya Basin N/A
Gawkie Cliffs, Wyveria N/A
Solanaria Cliffs, Wyveria N/A
Petalfly Wyveria N/A
Great Thunderbug Wyveria Shock Trap
Leaflugger Ant Forest Mega Potion, Max Potion
Bomb Beetle Basin Bomb Pod
Blink Angler Basin N/A

For more on Monster Hunter Wilds, take a look at all of the Small Monsters in the game, all of the bosses/Large Monsters and their weaknesses, and how to upgrade your weapons.

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