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How to get a Huge Pet in Pet Simulator 99


Pet Simulator 99 is all about earning money, spending that money on hatching new pets from eggs, and then putting those pets to work acquiring you even more money. There’s more to the experience than this – such as trading and exclusive events – but overall, you’re going to be grinding to get the strongest pets possible, including Huge Pets.

Huge Pets and Titanic Pets are some of the rarest but strongest pets in the game, so getting your hands on them requires a little bit of hard work. To help you do just that, however, here are a few ways to get a Huge Pet in Pet Simulator 99.

How to get a Huge Pet in Pet Simulator 99

Getting your hands on a Huge Pet in Pet Simulator 99 is a matter of having exceptional luck when hatching eggs, acquiring them from event-exclusive eggs, or buying them using real money.

You can also get a Huge Pet via trading with other players once you have unlocked the Trading Plaza, but unless you personally know someone who’s willing to hand over one of their spare Huge Pets, it’s unlikely that a stranger will trade you one unless they’re feeling very generous.

One other way of getting yourself a Huge Pet – and perhaps the easiest way – is by taking part in any active server events. These will often give you a chance of hatching Huge Pets as a reward from event-exclusive eggs, so don’t neglect them!

At the time of writing, the St. Patrick’s Event is ongoing, and those who are able to get their hands on any of the event eggs will have a chance of hatching a Huge Lucki Cat, so be sure to keep an eye out for these events!

One of the best ways of getting a Huge Pet for free, and without trading, is by taking part in server events. | Image credit: Roblox/VG247

During the above event, you will have an event-exclusive St Patrick’s-themed area to farm for an event-specific currency in, and you can then use this to purchase and hatch event-exclusive eggs – such as the Horseshoe Egg – which have a chance of giving you the Huge Lucki Cat. I don’t suggest purchasing the event eggs in the lobby, however.

As you spend time raiding in this area, your Raid Level will increase. At various milestones, the event-exclusive egg you can purchase will be upgraded, giving you a higher chance of acquiring better pets.

For the best chance of securing a Huge Pet from an event like this, you want to take part in raids via the Raid Portals at the back of the event lobby. The higher your Raid Level, the higher difficulty of raid you can complete, which leads to better rewards at the end.

The player faces a Huge Chest at the end of a St Patrick's event raid in Roblox's Pet Simulator 99
Complete Raids to earn chests to open, which may also contain Huge Pets. | Image credit: Roblox/VG247

Completing a raid will allow you into a room with multiple chests, and here, you can open a Huge Chest or Titanic Chest, which have a chance of containing a Huge Pet or Titanic Pet respectively. Beyond this room, however, there’s also another event egg (just like the one in the event lobby!), which will have a boosted chance for Huge Pets, depending on the difficulty of the raid you have just completed.

The player approaches the St Patrick's exclusive event egg at the end of an event raid in Roblox's Pet Simulator 99, which has a Huge Pet multiplier
The event-exclusive egg at the end of a Raid Portal will have a boosted chance for Huge Pets, compared to the event-exclusive egg in the lobby. | Image credit: Roblox/VG247

It’s worth spending your event-exclusive currency on this egg, given its boosted chances of dropping a Huge Pet, rather than the egg in the event lobby. That said, you want to aim for a pretty high multiplier – which means completing the raid at a high difficulty – so you might be grinding for a while still. Bear that in mind!

For more on Pet Simulator 99, be sure to check out whether or not the VIP Gamepass is worth it, and our list of codes for the best Roblox experiences to give a go.

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