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League of Legends: Wild Rift – Baron Lane Tips


Tips to Baron Lane

Gold + experience matters more than champion. I do not believe in “counter-play”, I believe in match ups being really freaking difficult to succeed in. There are times where I’ve switched up the auto-til-u-die Tryndamere build for a big one hit wallop sheen build that plays off the counter that would be my counter. I’ve only made these “counter play champions” countered back because I understand my power spikes, champion strengths, and clear definite weaknesses. Which brings into the 2nd point

Get to know what your champ can do, cannot do and has the option to do so. For me and my Tryndamere, an example of what I can do is dish out insane 1v1 potential, I can contend with the likes of Jax, Darius, Garen, Mundo if I play in the strengths of what I can do and have options for. These players like to run me down a lot until they outsustain me.

So what do I do? I switch from a DPS to a more sustainability build to match up with their innate strengths. The closer you can get in power gap to your opponent the easier time you’ll have dealing with them.

Prepared to be forgotten about for ganks, or camped to living hell in the way that they just run your turret down in 3 minutes. Especially if you’re a known player like me, they like to ban my tryndamere and or play champions and a jungler that completely wrecks me.

Pick meta, top lane is the most unforgiving role to players who like to experiment (like me) These lane bullies wont let you experiment with your build that works under certain conditions, they don’t play fair at all.

Learn minion wave management and timers. The biggest hint is that the enemy minions are in the same exact location as your allied ones just reversed. Use where your ally minions are to get a headstart on level prios

Level priorities (prios) Some champions lv1s are MUCH stronger than every elses Lv1 power. Once that Lv1 strong champion gets lv2 though?

To put this into example, I’m VERY careful about how I interact with my opponent as they’re about to reach their levels that unlock their abilities. I’ll take for example a tryndamere vs darius matchup. This can go two ways; I kill the minions first, get lv2 and then all in darius, or darius gets the lv2 priority first and all ins me. This is usually how the lanes are decided for a good 6-7 minutes of the game(in PC terms thats a whopping 15-20 minutes!!) depending on how you played early game.

Last and final tip

Care more about the effectiveness you have on the map versus your KDA. I end games as a 1/6/7 tryndamere in a frustrating way for an 18/4/2 enemy kaisa by splitting their base constantly while they’re not watching. My kill value(value in terms of K/D/A) is far less than my effective map value, I would do more by interacting with the opponents base around the map than I would engaging in fights with an enemy adc that has 3x the gold I do. Which brings it alll around the world back to the first point; I play to my strengths and weaknesses!

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