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MU: Dark Epoch – AGI DW Build Guide


AGI DW Guide and Tips

By Joko.

Why AGI Build?

My reasoning was pretty simple – this is something fresh & new + this is the closest you can be to feeling like a Plague Doctor. While the original MU offered pretty much a single way to build the wizard (through a large amount of ENE), I wanted to play around with new stuff and oh boy do I enjoy it!

Another reason was to try to play with Evasion (similar to defense rate stat from the original game), but I can hardly make stable calculations, so I don’t know how good it is yet.

What Do I Get with AGI Build?

To put it simply – heavy burst & crazy AOE with added DoT that adds up pretty nicely! Plus if Evasion is working as expected – you get a lot of extra healing thanks to Illusion skill level ups.

On top of that at later levels you can get Switching skill, which allows you to position yourself exceptionally well for your AOE bursts during the fight!


Stat distribution does not have severe impact on your power level, but general principle is

  • You get as much STR as needed to equip your set
  • You get as much ENE as you need for your basic skills (I’ve skipped using Mana Boost until I reached ~270 lvl, where I’ve put extra ENE points to pick it up, but I was prioritizing AGI-based skill acquisition)
  • You do not prioritize VIT as a stat
  • You pump all available points into AGI to unlock new skills and make existing skills stronger. Also once you reach 3rd profession – you get equipment with addition

Below you can see my stat distribution at level 300 (after that you get Property points instead of stats) without any Fruits or extra temporary stat boosts:

General Tips

  • Always level up & evolve your damaging items (i.e. staff, shield & gloves). Maximizing your dmg output is key in this game
  • Same goes for rings & jewelry – to get offensive stats first, then chase defensive
  • Always switch to the latest item gear first (i.e. if you opened 2nd items, upgrade them and then get back to 1st items)
  • Evolution gives way more than Upgrades, so try to focus on it, but get upgrades to lvl 9, since that is pretty cheap and doesn’t consume much resources
  • Once you reach new pets (Demon & Fremaux) – you can buy Fremaux & change it with Angel during Guild Boss & other PVE activities where you want to pump more damage
  • Once you get to Tier 2 Wings – you can consume Tier 1 wings to make them stronger! Same works with Tier 3 wings Consuming Tier 2!

0th Level – Dark Wizard

Everything is pretty straightforward – you should aim to get all purple items and upgrade/evolve them to the max level. I would suggest getting an attack ring, necklace & panda pet ASAP at this stage to speed up the leveling process. At the end of day – you should get something like that

1st Level – Archmage

This is where you get your first Wings and start receiving stat-specific (AGI in our case) items. Start hunting for AGI staff, shield & gloves and then aim to complete AGI full set ASAP. It gives a significant boost to your overall damage.

While building your set – you should also keep some garnets to acquire rings. They don’t provide extra EXP, as in the 0th set, but still give significant boost to your damage & defense capabilities.

As for Wings – ideally you should try to get purple wings (Unique), but if you got green – that’s also acceptable, you can upgrade sometime later when you get extra garnets. Focus on evolving & upgrading your set instead.

As for Pet – I’d suggest to get Imp (Lucifer), since again, damage is key in this game.

2nd Level – Soul Mage

2nd set is very similar to the 1st one – you get AGI-specific items and jewelry that boosts your damage/def capabilities even further. Not much to add there – get a full AGI set, get jewelry and last available pet (fairy).

Meanwhile try to hunt for 2nd Wings for that % damage. Also on 2nd level you get access to the Memorial Flag (that you can buy from Guild Shop), so make sure to get your hands on it.

After you’ve got everything it should look like that

3rd Level – War Mage (1)

That is where I am at right now and I know that there’s at least 1 more item tier after that. On this level you get access to Godly Items with extra stats (AGI or ENE) with an option to Awaken those items. See example below

With those stats you can easily get access to the latest spells and you can spend some extra ENE stats to pick missing skills. Also evolution options are getting crazy good, so make sure that you evolve those items as high as you can!

Besides that, at that level you get access to new Pets in garnet shop and you should instantly pick Demon, which gives 25% damage. You also get access to new type of Memorial Flag, but you need Guild Shop level 5, so make sure your guild is investing into that building!

The end goal is the same – get full purple set, get new flag, new wings, new rings/necklace and upgrade everything as much as possible. At the end of day – looks something like that.


As was mentioned many time before – DAMAGE IS KEY! So you should try to go for as much damage output as possible. Starting from Node 25 – you can  get a selection out of 2 options. The 2 strongest options you can get are CD Decrease (cause you get a lot of strong spells with Large CD)  & Defense Ignore. I will provide my distribution below:

  • 25 – CD Decrease
  • 29 – Increased Poison Dmg
  • 33 – CD Decrease
  • 37 – Increased Poison Dmg
  • 41 – CD Decrease
  • 45 – Increased Poison Dmg
  • 49 – CD Decrease
  • 53 – Increased Poison Dmg
  • 57 – CD Decrease
  • 61 – Increased Poison Dmg and so on. At 77 I went for Def Ignored +5% and will pick it over anything else in the future

This distribution gives you INSANE amount of extra poison damage, which is core of your skill build


0th Level skills

Those skills are the core part of your day-to-day activities. From Old classic Evil Spirits & Hellfire from original MU, to Death Poison, your primary skill in AGI/Poison world. No priority among them, just short description of each one:

  • Meteorite – your primary single-target damage dealer.
  • Flame Pillar – weaker version of Meteorite.
  • Hellfire & Evil Spirit – primary AOE PVE skills, but Hellfire can also be used in PVP, while Evil Spirits cannot.
  • Mana Boost – you should pick it up even in AGI build, since it’s straight up damage boost.
  • Death Poison – bread and butter of our build, inflicts poison stacks, deals damage AND it’s a passive!
  • Soul Barrier – what keeps you alive in this world with small VIT stat.

Priority for leveling using Bellator Spheres:

  • Evil Spirit -> Meteorite -> Death Poison -> Hellfire -> Soul Barrier -> Mana Boost

1st Level skills

This is where the poison fun starts!

[Poison Veterancy]

Gives you a large amount of Skill Damage when the target is poisoned. And it doesn’t have to be poisoned by you! You can have another buddy AGI wizard and just keep poison stacks up all the time.

[Poison Spear]

I was not a huge fan once I got it, and seemed quite weak for a large Cooldown. But once I got enough skills in rotation and was able to level it up to max – I started enjoying it. It has great AOE (5 targets at max lvl) and boosts your poison chances! Fits great into the “I will toxify everyone around me” thematics.

[Poison Sensation]

The only problem with that skill – small duration. But buffs are just insane! This one of the “combo burst” enablers and if used at the right moment in PVP – can obliterate even WAY stronger opponents.


The best part of this skill is Root, which is extremely useful vs those annoying DK enjoyers. Just root them at the edge of the screen and put a ton of poison on their heads. I usually use it as an opener in 1v1 PVP or to disable some annoying single target in mass PVP

[Poison Swarm]

This is a great addition to the AOE family – it slows down all targets impacted by it, boosts skill damage & increases poisoning chance! Wonderful skill during Castle Sieges & Chaos Castle events!

Priority for leveling using Bellator Spheres:

  • Poison Veterancy -> Poison Sensation -> Poison Spear -> Curse -> Poison Swarm

2nd Level skills

[Poison Shield Veterancy]

2nd class skills continue the idea of the 1st class, but they add a lot of survivability, so you can actually land your damage. And this line starts with Poison Shield Veterancy.

This spell provides Parry Chance and I still have no clue if that is the same with evasion. But anyway, that’s your  first defensive improvement.


(KABOOOOM!) and it perfectly matches its name!

Pretty much how it works – you inflict 3 stacks of poison on a target and you click this REMOVE button. If it crits or penetrates defenses – it just one-shots. Again, the only downside is significant cooldown, but that’s we’re trying to fight with our Constellation.


This is where I have high hopes for AGI mage survivability. If you’ll be able to stack enough evasion – you will heal a lot and will be able to avoid a lot of unnecessary damage! Primarily useful in PVP, but sometimes can get clutch in PVE as well (i.e. on Ancient Bosses or Bellator challenges)

[Poison Meteor]

This our final AOE Combo piece. One of cool parts is that you can proc it twice via Evasion! With that skill your AOE rotation goes like Poison Spear -> Poison Swarm -> Poison Meteor. They all stack poison on enemies and deal a LOT of AOE damage, cleaning up large crowds.


A very interesting and versatile skill. First of all it gives you significant dmg reduction, so if used timely – you can avoid enemy bursts, secondly, it has a pretty low cd, which allows you to use it pretty often. Lastly – on castle sieges it works over the non-broken doors, so you can switch with some nasty wizard or DK and make an AOE explosion in the middle of enemies.

Priority for leveling using Bellator Spheres:

  • Explosion -> Poison Shield Veterancy -> Illusion -> Switching -> Poison Meteor


After you reach your level 280 – you’ll have a new system for Skills, called “Property”. Effectively it has 3 blocks – Attack / Defense / Common. And, as you should already learn, we need this Attack.

Below you can find my ATK distribution with incline into PVP fights

I do not value poison element that much, so he’s just there for point distribution, to get to the lower part of this tree and I’ve maxed out Skill dmg & AOE Dmg in PVP, which inflicts some crazy numbers. Once I spend a couple more points into the element – I will pick up Spirit Intrusion for additional dmg each time Poison Sensation is used.

I’ve also put a single point into Defense, cause the effect itself is pretty great even at 1st level.

As for Common branch – I don’t see much use of it early in the game, so I will get back to it once I get more stats/equipment on my back.


Many don’t know this, but MOUNTS DO STACK, meaning you don’t get only one effect from the currently equipped mount, but you get all of the effects at all times. Therefore it’s in your best interest to get as many mounts as possible.

The ones that should be your top priority are:

  • Star Horse (for extra XP and faster leveling).
  • Nerore (lifesteal on crits is vital for some bosses & Bellator challenges).
  • Custos (ULTIMATE PVP mount, must-have).

The rest are also a good addition to CP/effects, but those should go out of order.


As far as runes go – you are trying to get all purple (or Red) runes, get them to max lvl & forge runes into them. As for forging – I would recommend using:

For Second Tier

  • Curse Shard (for Curse skill dmg).
  • Venomous Shard (additional dmg during poison sensation).
  • Poison Skill Shard (Red) (for extra damage when poisoned).

For Third Tier

  • Substitution/Illusion shards (whichever you like more).
  • Poison explosion shard.
  • Poison Shield (Red) (for consistent dmg boost).

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