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A sequel to Okami has been announced


A most unusual sight and something none of us on the editorial team had predicted: tonight’s The Game Awards gala featured an almost teary-eyed (!) Geoff Keighley presenting nothing less than a sequel to the 18-year-old cartoon adventure Okami starring the wolf god Amaterasu.

A live orchestra accompanied an unmistakable Amaterasu running out of a dark forest clearing into a vast meadow, and several of us in the newsroom got an almost aggressive smile from ear to ear. At first we thought it might be a remake of the first adventure, but that soon proved to be hard to mistake when the sequel is so far only called “Okami Sequel”.

Unfortunately, we don’t know anything more than that, and the release date is likely to be some time in the future. But we do know it’s coming, and that’s more than enough for now. Check out the trailer below.

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