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All Mega Tokens in Roblox The Hunt: Mega Edition


Mega Tokens are a special kind of token that can be collected during Roblox’s The Hunt: Mega Edition event, but nowhere does Roblox tell you how and where to get these Mega Tokens, or the fact you need to acquire them in a specific order.

These Mega Tokens allow players access to a secret area in The Hunt’s event hub, which is an area that we don’t know all that much about just yet, but it looks as though this area allows players to access new items for their efforts in The Hunt: Mega Edition. Anyways, to help you with this gargantuan event, here are all Mega Tokens in Roblox’s The Hunt: Mega Edition, and what order you need to collect them in.

All Mega Tokens in Roblox The Hunt: Mega Edition

First things first, it is very important to note that Mega Tokens in Roblox’s The Hunt: Mega Edition must be collected in a specific order. For example, going to collect the third Mega Token from the Pressure experience will not be possible until you have the Mega Tokens from the SpongeBob Tower Defense and Untitled Tag Game experiences first. We’ve made sure to list all Mega Tokens in the order you must collect them in below.

On top of that, at the time of writing, not all of the Mega Tokens in Roblox’s The Hunt: Mega Edition have been discovered, with players figuring out how to get their hands on more each day. We’ll be sure to update this page as and when we know what the next Mega Tokens to collect are.

That said, there are currently plenty of Mega Tokens to keep you busy while you wait for even more! Here’s where to get them all, and in exactly what order you need to do that:

Mega Token #1 – SpongeBob Tower Defense

The first of the Mega Tokens is found in SpongeBob Tower Defense. You must first complete The Hunt event stage – Bikini Bottom Chumaggedon – to get a standard token, then revisit it afterwards. On a second visit, there’ll be treasure marked with a big red ‘X’ to dig up that’ll lead you to the Flying Dutchman’s ship.

Complete the Flying Dutchman’s quest to receive the Mega Token. Here’s our detailed guide on how to get the Mega Token in SpongeBob Tower Defense.

Mega Token #2 – Untitled Tag Game

The second Mega Token is found in the Untitled Tag Game. After playing the game for a short while and getting enough in-game cash to purchase a standard token, you can then be able to go through a mysterious portal – where you must use stealth and complete obbies to escape prison – to receive the Mega Token. You can also complete this before acquiring the standard token, if the portal appears sooner.

Here’s a more detailed guide on how to get the Mega Token in Untitled Tag Game.

Mega Token #3 – Pressure

The third Mega Token is found in the Pressure experience, and is arguably the hardest Mega Token to get your hands on, especially if you don’t like horror games. After completing The Hunted quest in Pressure and receiving your standard Token, you’ll need to find a code in the event lobby, reenter The Hunted expedition, and use this code to acquire a Decoder.

The Decoder must then be used on five radios around the map to reveal a second code, which can later be used in the hidden vault area of the expedition. In this area, you are then tasked with collecting 30 Token Fragments before finally being able to collect the Mega Token.

It’s long and it’s scary, but you can fortunately do this quest alongside friends if need be. Here’s our detailed guide on how to get the Mega Token in Pressure.

The below experiences and their associated Mega Tokens have been added with thanks to YouTuber, TheOfficial Fuzion, and their video explainer on where to find each of them.

Mega Token #4 – Chained

The fourth Mega Token is found in Chained, a two-player obby. You’ll need to access a hidden – albeit bright cyan – area beneath where you spawn in the experience and then complete a rather intense two-player obby with another player. The Mega Token will be at the very end!

Mega Token #5 – Rivals

The fifth Mega Token is found in the Rivals experience, where you’ll need to first complete the Shady Chicken’s quest by completing 1v1 and 2v2 games. Once that’s done, speak to the Shady Chicken again, and then visit the shooting range. Here, you’ll need to shoot every off-angle target – or to be sure, every target – in the room, and then a portal will appear.

Enter the portal, look at the pinboard in the new room, and then return and speak with the Shady Chicken again.

After speaking with him, go and take part in a 3v3 battle on the Bridge map. Here, you’ll need to collect orange orbs from players you have killed until you have a total of 15. Return to the Shady Chicken, and you’ll be teleported to a Boss Arena to complete a boss fight.

After that’s done, speak to the Shady Chicken once more to claim your Mega Token.

Mega Token #6 – Clip It

The sixth Mega Token is in Clip It, and after having got the standard token in the game, you should be shown the ‘Mega Token Quest’ prompt upon joining, which contains your quest and your first riddle.

Ultimately, you will need to use the riddles presented to you to track down five Golden Camera’s in the experience, and you must do this while wearing the correct avatar item.

The avatar items you need to wear and the scenes you need to visit for each Golden Camera are as follows:

  • Wear Biggerhead in Abandoned Factory
  • Wear Cheese Hat in Pizza Shop
  • Wear Emerald Eye in Spooky Forest
  • Wear Headrow in Movie Theater
  • Wear Teakettle Hat in Zen Garden

If you’re having trouble finding the correct avatar items, be sure to open up the search parameters and press ‘Show’ under ‘Unavailable Items’.

Upon retrieving the fifth and final Golden Camera, while wearing the correct avatar item, you will receive your sixth Mega Token!

Mega Token #7 – World Zero

To get the sixth Mega Token, which is found in the World Zero experience, go inside of the ruined castle area near where you spawn and stand on the green button. This will then mark various areas on the map for you where you will need to retrieve three gems.

After collecting all three gems, return to the ruined castle from the very beginning and stand on the blue button. Three symbols and four numbers will then be shown to you. These are all client-sided and randomised, so they will not be the same as another players.

Make a note of what colour each symbol must represent. For example, a flower will represent the colour pink, while a fish will represent the colour blue. You must then look around the room for coloured numbers, make a note of them, add any numbers of the same colour together, and use these – and the symbols shown to you/their corresponding colours – to reveal a code. Input this code in front of the pink button.

You then also want to place the gems on the pedestals in the colour order detailed to you by the symbols on the wall. Once that’s done, you can then interact with the pillar in the room to be teleported to a boss fight. Beat up the boss and the seventh Mega Token is all yours!

For more on Roblox, be sure to take a look at our list of codes for the top Roblox experiences, and check out how to complete The Hunt quest in Fisch.

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