The folk over at Quail Button LLC has announced a new indie project that seems like the perfect game for exploring life as an introvert. It’s hilariously called A Week in the Life of Asocial Giraffe, and as you can imply by that literal title, it revolves around an asocial giraffe as they attempt to live life for a week in Friendly City, the happiest place in the world.
The game is a point-and-click adventure that combines puzzles and stealth elements with silly humour and logic and then asks you to control Giraffe and avoid any form of social contact at all costs. This is far harder than it may sound, as Giraffe will still have to live a normal life, meaning they will take trips to the gym, go grocery shopping, ride on the subway, visit the laundromat, and so forth. Quail Button elaborates on this by adding: “This game is for anyone who dreads having to make small talk, who prefers silence to society, or who has staged a coma to avoid a chatty neighbor.”
A Week in the Life of Asocial Giraffe will eventually be coming to PC, and it will arrive with a soundtrack that includes various lo-fi beats, all while utilising an art style that offers cartoon drawings. We don’t yet have any clue as to the release date of the game, but an announcement trailer has debuted that teases some of the haunting situations that Giraffe will find itself in. You can see that below, as well as some images and even a brief additional explanation of the game from Quail Button too.
“With A Week in the Life of Asocial Giraffe we wanted to make a game that captures the internal conflict and unease that comes with wanting social interaction, while paradoxically being too timid to engage. Because even the most extraverted people still have moments of shyness. In that sense, there’s a little Asocial Giraffe in all of us.”