Assassin’s Creed Shadows Golden Teppo Quest Guide

In her quest for revenge against her father’s killers in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, Naoe sets her sights on the infamous Golden Teppo – a deadly sharpshooter last seen around the port city of Sakai in Settsu.

However, a hallmark of the mysterious group is their ability to blend into the background of high society and pull the strings from the shadows. So, to uncover the Golden Teppo, Naoe must first infiltrate the upper echelons of Sakai’s wealthy mercantile class herself.

Searching Sakai quest guide

First, make your way to the port town of Sakai and investigate the quest markers in the middle of the city.

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Eavesdrop on the arguing merchants and they will mention forged papers and trade opportunities with the Imai mercantile family – an interesting prospect Naoe can use to her advantage.

Approach the merchants and they’ll grill you on your credentials. First, say you work for the Imai family and that you know his son (Imai doesn’t have a daughter).

When the thugs begin to extort you, choose the stormy option, then chase them down for the contracts you need.

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Next, make your way to the southwest corner of Sakai and hold L2 to highlight the blue dot that’s the Imai trading house. Speak to the son, Sokun, here and he’ll initially be skeptical of your legitimacy.

It’s time to choose the right dialogue options again, so say that business requires a bold strategy, then choose whatever name you wish – however you NEED to remember it for later.

Follow Sokun along the street until you reach his office, then sit down for sake. In the ensuing conversation, say that you’re a good investment and Sokun will grant you a meeting with his father, as well as a potential tip on the Golden Teppo you’re ultimately after.

But before you waltz into the highly particular world of Japanese business, Sokun tells you to bone up on your tea etiquette, grab a Kosode, then return for the meeting.

Dress for Success quest guide – Which Kosode should you choose: Black or Red?

First, you need to look like you belong in this highfalutin world and find a short-sleeved, formal Japanese robe, similar to a kimono, called a Kosode.

You find the Kosode shop on the harbour front. But when you speak to the merchant, it transpires that the best silks from China are being blockaded by pirates.

This means you have to swim out into the harbour and liberate the silks yourself. They can be found on the ship on the left, slightly further out to sea.

Which Kosode should you choose: Black or Red?

The pirates are easy to dispatch, and when you return with the bale of silk to the merchant you’ve given the choice of a Kosode made of finer, red chinese silk or black portuguese silk.

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Choose the black silk Kosode to not only give the impression that you’re in with the foreign merchants, but expose a vital clue later in the quest thanks to its delicate golden trim.

The Perfect Gift quest guide

Next, to get the perfect gift visit the tea merchants who are found on the northern edge of Sakai, next to the canal that encircles the town.

Speak to them and you learn of a renowned tea master, Sen No Rikyu, who luckily enough, turns up right at that minute.

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When Naoe sweet talks him into helping out, follow him to his home and begin your training.

What he says here is important and you will be tested on it later – I’m not joking. So remember: guests enter as equals, the host becomes the servant. With that in mind, you bow halfway as an equal. Next, you need to remember that the bowl is turned slightly to the right every time someone drinks from it. The front and most beautiful part of the bowl always needs to face the host, as a sign of humility. Finally, you need to give a gift at the end of the ceremony: and you need to choose from three items. Based on Imai’s position as a tea master, choose the jar or the ladle as a recognition of his craft.

The Tea Ceremony quest

Return to Imai Sokun and you will be invited to put on your Kosode and begin the ceremony. When he asks the purpose of the tea ceremony say it is a spiritual experience. After the intriguing interruption, walk out into the garden to speak with the rest of the guests.

First, speak to Otama and remember the name you gave the Imais – luckily the elder Imai gave you a reminder at the start of your meeting. She slags off your Kosode, then asks why you’re invited. Given that she’s known the family for years, she will know you’re lying if you try to say you’re friends with Sokun, so instead rely on your teaching.

Next, speak to Lady Satoko and tell her of your business with the Imais. She’s an intimidating character and says she’d rather be hunting bandits. She riles against anyone who would steal in hard times before excusing herself.

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Finally, speak to Wakasa. She likes your Kosode, but tests your character by asking if you’ve heard of her before. Say you’re new to Sakai, then say you didn’t say where you were from. Wakasa says that she’s also new on the Sakai scene and invites you to visit her at Osaka castle.

With the tea ceremony ready to begin, return Imai’s greeting by bowing halfway as is customary. After the other guests drink from the bowl, when it’s your turn, rotate the bowl twice to the right. He recognises your gift and you walk out into the night.

Finally, out in the courtyard you’re given the choice of whether to confront Otama or Wakasa as the Golden Teppo. Based on the fact she’s a relative newcomer on the Sakai scene and the remark that she liked the gold trim of your Kosode, you can discern that Wakasa is the mysterious villain you’re searching for.

In the next scene, grab the rifle from the rack on the wall of the house and the quest will resolve itself, giving you a hefty chunk of XP and cash, the Shinobi’s Fury Tanto, its engraving, and the Pirate Flag decoration.

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