Atomfall Vicar Quest: How to solve the murder in the church

So, you’ve rocked up the rather pleasant Wyndham Village in Atomfall – pleasant provided you ignore the military running rampant around the place – and paid a visit to St. Katherine’s Church, just to find that things aren’t all that pleasant at all, actually. Why? Because there’s a corpse sitting up against the pew, with Vicar McHenry fretting about what the murder means for his church.

McHenry is keen for you to leave him to it and keep quiet about the murder, or you can ignore him entirely and take this murder mystery into your own hands – which I highly recommend that you do! To help you find who the culprit is, here’s how to solve the murder in the church in Atomfall.

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Atomfall Vicar Quest: How to solve the murder in the church

First things first, to start solving Atomfall’s murder mystery, speak to Vicar McHenry in St. Katherine’s Church and exhaust his dialogue so you have all the information you can get your hands on. While you’re here, also make sure to loot the corpse’s body, as you’ll retrieve a Sickle and a Bloodied Note.

The Bloodied Note reveals that Maisie – the murder victim – was keeping lookout at Mereview Hotel. Now, if you go to the shack just south of Mereview Hotel – marked on the below map – you’ll find the Recent Movements Note.

After looting Maisie’s body, go to the shack south of Mereview Hotel where she was keeping lookout. | Image credit: Rebellion/VG247

The Recent Movements Note reveals Maisie was actually keeping a close eye on someone, at the request of Vicar McHenry. It also details exactly what route this mysterious person followed, and our next job is to follow that same route to find where they went.

The note reads: ‘Passed the Mereview Hotel. Crossed the stream and turned right, heading up the hill. Turned right again, up the narrow stone steps. Went round the back of the ruins and entered that rat-infested cellar.’

If you follow these instructions, you will end up at the Brewery Cellar, which is at coordinates 30.5E, 80.5N, and shown on the below map.

The location of the Brewery Cellar in Wyndham Village is marked on the map in Atomfall
Head into this Brewery Cellar next, and beware of rats. | Image credit: Rebellion/VG247

Down in the Brewery Cellar, you will find the ‘Kill the One They Call Maisie’ note, in which the person Maisie was following tells Morris Wick, the village shopkeeper, to silence her. There is also a letter from Morris Wick himself here, titled ‘Captain Sims Doesn’t Suspect A Thing’, which reveals that Morris was spreading pagan beliefs in the village.

After this, return to Vicar McHenry and inform him of your findings, revealing to him that Morris is the one who murdered Maisie. He will then ask you to ‘deal with Morris’ and will mark the Village Shop on your map. You can convince him to hand over his quest rewards here, before dealing with Morris.

Either way, be sure to exhaust Vicar McHenry’s dialogue before leaving, as he will give you another interesting quest lead as a result.

When you’re done chatting to the Vicar, and provided you didn’t convince him to hand over his quest rewards immediately, head to the Village Shop and tell Morris you know what he has done. Now, depending on your dialogue choices here, you can deal with Morris in a few ways.

  • Tell Morris he must leave Wyndham Village or you will tell the Protocol what he has done. He will pack up and leave.
  • You can kill Morris.

The player looks at the Vicar's Chest in the upstairs of St. Katherine's Church in Atomfall
Use the Vicar’s Key on his chest, which is upstairs in the church. | Image credit: Rebellion/VG247

After dealing with Morris, return to the Vicar, and he will reward you with a Key to his personal chest. Go upstairs and open the chest, where you’ll find the A Fruitful Trade Note, and an Atomic Battery. If you didn’t realise already, Atomic Batteries are very important to progressing in Atomfall, so make sure to keep a hold of it.

That’s the mystery murder of Wyndham Village dealt with!

For more on Atomfall, take a look at how to upgrade your weapons, how to access Datlow Hall Conservatory, and where to find the Church Cellar Key.

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