NetEase is really looking to shake up the hero-shooter space later this week when Marvel Rivals makes its arrival on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. While many similar games debut with a limited array of content that gets bolstered over time thanks to a live structure, Rivals is dropping on December 6 with 33 playable characters. That almost stacks up to Overwatch today, which is in its eighth year and now has 41 characters.
With this broad list of characters in mind, a few last minute announcements have been made, which confirm that the roster will include famed individuals like Black Widow, Squirrel Girl, and even the most famous of the X-Men, Wolverine.
You can see these characters briefly in action in the new launch trailer for Marvel Rivals, which even features an almost perfect Avengers team-up that would no doubt make fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe very happy.