Call of Duty posts all-time low player figures on Steam

Call of Duty is going through its worst historical moment in terms of active players. A few days ago, the game set a new all-time low record with only 71,000 active players, the lowest figure since records began on SteamDB.

This decline is especially concerning, even more so considering that this year Call of Duty has three titles: Modern Warfare II, Modern Warfare III, and Warzone. Despite this increase in game offerings, the number of players continues to drop week-after-week. In contrast, the peak of players reached 887,000 in July, but now we are seeing a drastic decline.

Interest in Call of Duty is also decreasing on streaming platforms. In August, the average viewership on Twitch fell to below 40,000, according to TwitchTracker, and this downward trend indicates that both players and viewers are losing interest.

All of this is happening just as Black Ops 6 is around the corner. The big question now is whether this new title will be able to turn things around and attract back the players who have dwindled in number, despite its effort to rebound. The arrival of Black Ops 6 will be crucial to see if the franchise can overcome this crisis and regain the enthusiasm it once commanded.

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