Deadlock – Viscous Guide (Easy to Use Spirit Build)

Viscous Build Guide

By Dr. Livesey

This is an easy to use Spirit build designed to crush lane, split push, and dominate teamfights. It uses few active skills, does not require excellent aim, and does not require advanced knowledge of combos, which makes it ideal for beginners. You deal large chunks of AoE damage while being hyper-mobile and almost unkillable. If you’re looking to throw yourself into the enemies and watch their health disappear, then this is the build for you!

Laning Phase

Harass as much as possible, and farm hard.

Your goal in laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy with splatter whenever you have the opportunity. This build focuses on getting lots of health regen so that you can out-sustain your opponent and force them to back up, return to base, and give up farm. With the combination of Extra Spirit, Mystic Burst, and Spirit Strike, one puddle punch + splatter combo can put your enemies at half health.

Focus on throwing your splatter whenever it’s off cooldown, and farm up as hard as you can.

I strongly recommend using your melee to secure minions whenever you can. Your bullets have some of the slowest bullet velocity in the game, so meleeing the minions as a last hit is the best way to secure the souls.

Early – Mid Game

Move around the map, farm hard, take objectives.

In the mid game, focus on clearing minion waves, pushing objectives, running the urn, and taking camps. Many of the items in this build grant you movement speed, and your splatter allows you to one-shot minion waves and most camps, so you should be moving around the map and taking as many souls as possible. This will help you get into your late game items faster, which is where you are strongest.

This is the part of the game where this build is at its weakest point. Many of the items that are required for this build to work are extremely expensive, and it is unrealistic to save up for them without falling far behind. In order to compensate for this, we buy items that grant tons of stats for a cheap price that also scale well into the late game. Here are some highlights:

  • Enchanter’s Barrier: When you have a spirit shield up, you will have +20 spirit power and +8% cooldown reduction, which is incredible value for 1250 souls.
  • Mystic Shot: This item is a nice source of burst damage when your abilities are off cooldown. We will be stacking spirit power, so this item will scale nicely into the late game.
  • Cold Front: A recent favorite of mine. Not only does this item grant a large AoE slow, but it also scales incredibly well, and will deal upwards of 350 damage in the late game. Since you will be fighting up-close often with this build, it’s a must-buy in my opinion.

Late Game

Teamfight, teamfight, teamfight

This is where the build really takes off. Once you have Torment Pulse, Diviner’s Kevlar, and Escalating Exposure complete, you should be looking to teamfight whenever your Goo Ball is off cooldown. You deal absurd damage, have 3 sources of AoE slows, and are able to interrupt channeled abilities with your goo ball.

At this stage, it will be incredibly difficult for enemies to push down your objectives, since splatter will one-shot minion waves and your movement speed items will allow you to roam between lanes very quickly.

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