Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist director regrets making the film

Bringing old classic horror franchises back to life is something that Hollywood really loves and this is something that The Exorcist has had to endure not once but twice now. In the early 2000s, Warner Bros. got it into their heads to try and make a prequel series based on the original film, something that, in all honesty, went horribly wrong, as the director of one of the films now admits, and even openly says he regrets being involved in.

In this case it’s Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist, the follow-up to 2004’s Exorcist: The Beginning, an unprecedented mess in which five different screenwriters tried to contribute, and when the film’s director Paul Schrader recently spoke to MovieWeb he said:

“I shouldn’t have done it. It was not something I was really suited for. I thought I could pull it off, but if I had that opportunity again, I would say, ‘I think I will stick to what I do best.'”

One wonders if David Gordon Green will also look back on his attempt 20 years from now and think the same thing.

What do you remember about The Exorcist films of the 2000s and what did you think of Gordon Green’s latest attempt?

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