Donkey Kong Land 3 has been added to Switch Online

Two weeks ago Nintendo announced that they had released the Game Boy classic Donkey Kong Land on their Switch Online subscription, and just last week this was followed up by the announcement that they had also released Donkey Kong Land 2.

At the time, we suspected that it wasn’t too far away before they would also launch Donkey Kong Land 3 for the subscription service – and indeed they did. Now Nintendo has announced that the game has been added to Switch Online, which means there’s plenty of primate based action to enjoy there.

If you haven’t played this 1997 classic, you definitely have something to look forward to. Donkey Kong Land 3 differs in several ways from its two predecessors in terms of both gameplay and story and is well worth checking out.

Check out the video below for a little peek at what it has to offer all the monkey enthusiasts.

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