Elden Ring Golden Seed Locations Map

Golden Seeds are essential items in Elden Ring which increase the amount of vitality your Sacred Flask heals per sip. So in an unforgiving ordeal like Elden Ring, where every point of HP matters, these shining beacons dotted throughout the landscape are one of the main things you should prioritize as you explore.

According to the in-game item description, Golden Seeds were dispersed by the Erdtree itself when the Elden Ring was shattered, symbolizing the end of this Erdtree’s era and literally planting the seeds of the next by empowering the Tarnished seeking to reunite the Elden Ring and claim the title of Elden Lord.

You can gather Golden Seeds at the base of ethereal Golden Trees, by defeating Tree Spirits and by completing quests doled out by NPCs. However, most of the Golden Seeds you find are claimed from the open-world map and will be accessible almost as soon as you gain entry to a specific area; but others will require more effort.

While they’re rare to find throughout your adventure, there are still a grand total of 42 Golden Seed locations to track down across the Lands Between.

On top of the flask upgrades you can find after your adventure begins, you can also grab an extra Golden Seed as the best Keepsake during character creation. This is highly recommended for a casual playthrough, but is less important for veteran players. Plus, there are plenty of others which are more than capable of getting you through the game on their own.

Below is an interactive map detailing every single open-world location you can find a Golden Seed throughout Elden Ring, as well as a checklist for each area:

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Elden Ring Golden Seed locations

Below is a checklist of every Golden Seed location in Elden Ring, please refer to the map above for the specific locations.

Limgrave & The Weeping Peninsula Golden Seeds

  1. Chosen as Keepsake during character creation
  2. At the top of the hill past the Storm Gate as you reach Stormhill Shack
  3. Given as a reward for completing Roderika’s quest started in Stormhill Shack
  4. Dropped by Kenneth Haight if you kill him
  5. Under the glowing tree next to Fort Haight
  6. Overlooking Castle Morne on the Weeping Peninsula
  7. Dropped by the Ulcerated Tree Spirit underneath Stormveil Castle
  8. Under the golden tree as you reach Godrick the Grafted at the end of Stormveil Castle
  9. Dropped by the Ulcerated Tree Spirit inside the Fringefolk Hero’s Grave

Liurnia of the Lakes Golden Seeds

  1. Under the golden tree in the middle of the Sunken Town
  2. Under the golden tree in the central courtyard of the Academy of Raya Lucaria
  3. On the edge of the broken bridge on the northern side of the Academy of Raya Lucaria
  4. Under the golden tree inside Caria Manor
  5. On the northern tip of the river leading from Liurnia to Altus Plateau, inside the steep ravine

Caelid & Greyoll’s Dragonbarrow Golden Seeds

  1. Along the main road leading from the western edge of Caelid to Redmane Castle
  2. At the northern edge of Sellia, Town of Sorcery
  3. Under the golden tree outside the Bestial Sanctum
  4. Dropped by the Putrid Tree Spirit in the War Dead Catacombs

Altus Plateau & Mt. Gelmir Golden Seeds

  1. By the side of the road at Altus Highway Junction
  2. On the western side of Altus Plateau next to the Ruin-strewn Precipice
  3. Under a golden tree at the base of the road leading up to the Capital wall
  4. Under a golden tree in the foggy woods next to the Minor Erdtree
  5. At the end of the ravine leading from the west of Altus Plateau to the bottom of Mt Gelmir
  6. Under a golden tree on the road to Volcano Manor, just after the Fallingstar Beast boss
  7. 2 Golden Seeds are collected from the golden tree on the road from the Castle wall into the capital
  8. 2 Golden Seeds are collected from next to the Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace
  9. Dropped by the Ulcerated Tree Spirit south of the Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace
  10. On the ramparts of the Castle as you climb up to the top of the Royal Capital to battle Godfrey, First Elden Lord
  11. Dropped by the Ulcerated Tree Spirit in the lower power of Leyndell, Royal Capital

Ainsel River Golden Seeds

  1. Under the golden tree in the northern part of Nokstella
  2. Dropped by the Ulcerated Tree Spirit in the Lake of Rot

Siofra River & Mohgwyn Palace Golden Seeds

  1. Under the golden tree next to the Below the Well Site of Grace
  2. In the middle of the red lake reached via the Palace Approach Ledge-road
  3. Behind the structure with the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone at the base of the Palace

Mountaintops of the Giants Golden Seeds

  1. On the road towards the Mountaintops of the Giants, past the Black Blade Kindred
  2. Under a golden tree next to the frozen lake
  3. At the base of the golden tree past the first giant chain leading to the Forge of the Giants
  4. Dropped by the Ulcerated Tree Spirit inside Giants’ Mountaintop Catacombs
  5. At the foot of a giant tree in the middle of the Consecrated Snowfield
  6. Next to Ordina, Liturgical Town
  7. Dropped by the Ulcerated Tree Spirit inside Miquella’s Haligtree

Crumbling Farum Azula Golden Seeds

  1. Under the golden tree atop the Dragon Temple past the Stonesword Key Imp Seal
  2. Under the golden tree near the entrance to the Greatbridge

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