Fallout 76 now sports over 21 million Vault Dwellers

Amazon’s Fallout series from last spring was so good that it really rubbed off on the games, which got a huge boost in popularity. This was most evident in Fallout 76, where Bethesda also backed the role-playing game with tons of new content.

Now, via the official website, they are happy to announce that they have reached a new player milestone:

“We’d like to take this opportunity to tell you how far we’ve come since Fallout 76 launched in 2018 and just how S.P.E.C.I.A.L. you all are. Our key focus over these six years has been to build up this amazing community and to evolve our game to continuously meet their needs through more than 50 free updates. Along the way, our game has grown – and so has our community of players. Since launch we’ve welcomed over 21 million Vault-dwellers to Appalachia!”

As recently as December, we could tell you that the game was at 17 million players, which had jumped to 20 million in May after the TV series – and now 21 million six months later.

Bethesda has a lot of fun planned and next up is the free update Gleaming Depths on December 3, when we can look forward to “a new raid, C.A.M.P. pets, Four-Star Legendaries, and Player Titles and other improvements”, something that surely will lead to new milestones next year.

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