Fallout London developers intend to set up an indie studio

The Fallout 4 mod Fallout London has finally been released after a full five years of development by the modding group Team Folon and although the mod is popular, hyped and although fans like their work, they can’t make a living giving away their hard work as Folon member Dean Carter commented.

Team Folon’s Dean Carter till PCGamesN:
“As much as I love the fact that this is a free project – we can offer this thing for free for all the community – free doesn’t pay our bills.”

With this, and of course the bills not paying themselves, Folon now intends to set up an indie studio and develop its own games

“Fallout London has been a great springboard for this because we’ve worked with people now, we know what the community seems to like, and we’ve got this great platform where we can talk to the community.”

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