Godzilla seemingly confirmed for Fortnite Chapter 6

Another Fortnite season, another major crossover to look forward to. As Chapter 6, Season 1 rolls around, a supposed piece of leaked key art has made its way around the internet, depicting Godzilla as a key player in the upcoming Fortnite season.

As first showcased by ResetzFTW and then posted by known leaker ShiinaBR, the key art shows a bbunch of different Fortnite skins in the foreground, with a massive Godzilla behind them. Baymax from Big Hero 6 can also be spotted flying into battle.

From the size of Godzilla in the art, we’re not sure he’s going to be a playable character just yet, and instead could be taking over the Fortnite map in a new in-game event. As none of this is official, we’ll have to wait for Epic to confirm just how Godzilla will be implemented, but it does appear as if he’s on his way.

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