A good Honkai Star Rail Robin build just needs two things, attack and energy. Robin’s remarkable kit does pretty much everything else for you, including making it highly likely that she’ll act first once a battle starts. Having few demanding stat requirements means you’re free to pick from several Relic and Ornament choices, though finding the right Light Cone is a little more challenging.
Our Honkai Star Rail Robin build lays out her best Light Cone and Relic options, with a breakdown of how Robin teams should work.
Honkai Star Rail Robin build
- Light Cone: Flowing Nightglow, For Tomorrow’s Journey
- Relics: Mixed attack sets
- Ornaments: Lushaka, Sunken Seas
- Stats: Attack, energy
If you’re looking for more specific breakdowns, keep scrolling or follow the links below.
Honkai Star Rail Robin Light Cones
Robin’s Light Cone situation is a little unusual, since her kit scales on attack – not something most Harmony characters need. Her signature, Flowing Nightglow, gives the wearer a stack of Cantillation when they attack, and each stack – up to five – increases energy regeneratio by three percent. Managing Robin’s energy is an important part of using her expensive ultimate effectively, so this buff is a big help. When the user casts their ultimate, Cantillation turns into Cadenza, which increases their attack by 48 percent and the party’s damage by 24 percent for one turn. The number stays the same regardless of how many Cantillation stacks you have.
For Tomorrow’s Journey is a free, 4-star Light Cone you can exchange points for at Herta’s Store in the Simulated Universe, and it’s Robin’s next-best alternative, despite having no energy regeneration buffs. It raises the wearer’s attack by 16/32 percent and, when they use their ultimate, increases their damage by 18/30 percent for a turn. Herta’s store also sells this Light Cone’s superimposition materials, so you can hit those max buffs without spending Jade on banners.
The 3-star Meshing Cogs gives the wearer four/eight extra energy when they attack or take damage, though it doesn’t help Robin’s attack situation. There’s also Bronya’s signature, But The Battle Isn’t Over. It gives the wearer 10 percent extra energy regeneration, along with buffing the next ally’s damage by 30 percent after the wearer uses their skill. Managing that buff effectively requires a bit of speed-tuning for the character you want it to affect, though.
Honkai Star Rail Robin Relics
Robin is a slightly unusual case, being a 5-star character with no Relic set designed to suit her skills. She needs attack more than anything, so your best bet is mixing sets whose two-piece bonuses give the wearer an attack boost. All four of these give the wearer a 12 percent attack boost when you have at least two pieces equipped:
- Musketeer of Wild Wheat
- Hero of Triumphant Song
- Prisoner in Deep Confinement
- Wind-Soaring Valorous
Some builds recommend using Hackerspace as well for the speed boost, but for reasons we get into a little further down, that’s not necessary for a good Robin build.
Honkai Star Rail Robin Ornaments
Robin has a few useful Ornament sets to pick from depending on your needs. If you’ve opted against a Light Cone with energy regeneration, the Lushaka set is a nice little buff. It raises the wearer’s energy regeneration by five percent, and when the wearer isn’t in the first party slot, the character who is in that slot gets a 12 percent attack buff – handy, free, useful. Penacony, Land of the Dreams is a solid alternative if Robin is in a team with another physical damage dealer, such as Yunli or even Argenti. It also grants the wearer a five percent energy regeneration buff and increases damage by 10 percent for all other allies who share the same damage type as Robin, which is physical.
Another helpful set is Sprightly Vonwacq, which, in addition to a five percent energy regeneration boost, advances the wearer’s initial action by 40 percent at the start of battle. Combined with Robin’s passive Trace that also advance forwards her action, this set makes it easy to let Robin act first even with lower-than-ideal speed.
Finally is Fleet of the Ageless, which helps Robin’s survivability with a 12 percent HP increase buff and gives the party an extra eight percent attack buff when the wearer’s speed is over 120. Some builds recommend Broken Keel, but since Robin has no effect resistance built into her minor Traces, reaching 30 percent effect resistance for Broken Keel’s small crit damage buff is more of a pain than it’s worth.
Honkai Star Rail Robin stats
Robin’s needs are comparatively simple. Attack and energy regeneration are her most important stats, in that order, and while she benefits from a bit of additional speed, you don’t have to go over 120 in most cases. The goal is having Robin act first, so she can use her skill to buff the party. One of her major bonus traces advances her initial action, hence why speed isn’t a massive priority.
Attack, however, is. Robin’s buffs and her additional damage while her ultimate is active scale with attack, so you want to stack about as much as you do for your more powerful DPS characters on her. Aim for 3,500 to 4,000. Higher is nice if you can get it, but given how most Harmony Light Cones work, it’s a bit of a struggle without her signature Light Cone.
Energy regeneration is the trickier stat to deal with, since it never shows up as a substat, and Robin’s ultimate costs 160 energy. If you’re struggling to use her ultimate as often as you need to, it might be worth swapping one of the attack-oriented Ornament sets for an energy set.
- Body: Attack percent
- Feet: Attack percent or speed, if your other substat rolls don’t get you to 120 speed
- Orb: Attack percent
- Rope: Energy regeneration
Honkai Star Rail Robin teams
Robin’s exceptional kit means she works well in any team, with general attack buffs and a crit damage increase for the whole and a bonus Trace that increases crit damage from follow-up attacks. Her ultimate also advance-forwards the entire party so they all act as if it were the start of a new turn. That said, given the emphasis on FUA and crit damage in her kit, she works particularly well with characters who rely on those damage types. For example:
You could also swap Feixiao for Topaz in general and add a second support or another DPS to cover for Topaz’s fire-only, single-target limitations. Jade deals a hefty amount of follow-up damage as well, so Robin is a good fit for her and The Herta.
Aventurine is ideal given his follow-up attack, but as with most scenarios, any sustain character will work.
Another, less-often-discussed option is Jingliu, who benefits greatly from Robin’s crit damage buffs and turn order manipulation.
If you want a team focused primarily on Jingliu, you could swap Blade for Asta or Ruan Mei to get some extra speed.
Any character who needs crit damage would do in place of Jingliu, though – Acheron, Aglaea, even Dr Ratio, who, despite falling through the tier list, works quite well with Robin.
What tier is Robin in HSR?
The array of buffs in Robin’s kit and their potency make her an easy fit in HSR’s S-tier. She requires minimal skill point usage, deals high damage herself while her ultimate is active, and works with basically any party you put her in. Combine that with a stat spread that’s much more forgiving than some, and you’ve got one of the best supports in the game as of HSR 3.0.
Head over to our Star Rail codes page for some freebies to help with your next pulls, whether you’re after Robin or saving for a future banner.