How to complete The Hunt quest in SpongeBob Tower Defense

Dozens of games are taking part in Roblox’s The Hunt: Mega Edition, where one player – provided they’re over 13 years of age – could take home $1 million in cash by collecting Tokens from various Roblox experiences. SpongeBob Tower Defense is one of these experiences, with a new ghostly quest for players to complete to retrieve a Mega Token.

This particular Mega Token is easily missed if you don’t know where to look! Fortunately, we’re here to help out. Here’s how to complete The Hunt quest in SpongeBob Tower Defense and get a Mega Token.

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How to complete The Hunt quest in SpongeBob Tower Defense

Firstly, go to The Hunt event area and complete the event-exclusive stage of SpongeBob Tower Defense, which is called Bikini Bottom – Chumageddon. You can complete the event solo or with friends, and need not worry about what units you have unlocked or what level you are, as a set of particularly good units are given to you to use for this event!

Complete the event stage in SpongeBob Tower Defense. | Image credit: Roblox/VG247

This particular stage consists of 15 waves, with two bosses at Wave 10 and Wave 15. After you defeat the final boss, Plankton, you will be given your The Hunt Token, but that’s not all. There is an additional, secret Mega Token to be claimed from SpongeBob Tower Defense!

How to get the Mega Token in SpongeBob Tower Defense

After completing the initial event stage in SpongeBob Tower Defense, don’t leave just yet – instead, replay the stage. This time around, you don’t really need to bother setting up any defenses as we’ll be leaving before the waves are complete; though, by all means replay the stage while doing the below, if you fancy!

Dig up these red crosses until you find a map of the Flying Dutchman’s ship. | Image credit: Roblox/VG247

Look at the floor around the map of Bikini Bottom, and you should see red cross marks around the area that you can interact with. Interacting with them has you digging up various pointless treasures, but one of these digging spots will contain a map of the Flying Dutchman’s ship.

Speak to the Flying Dutchman in the lobby to be taken to his ship. | Image credit: Roblox/VG247

Return to the main lobby of SpongeBob Tower Defense and just up ahead, you should see the green ghost of the Flying Dutchman with ‘Trading’ beneath his name. Speak with him to be taken to his ship.

At the helm of the ship, speak to the Flying Dutchman again, who’ll task you with finding a key to his quarters. This key isn’t too tricky to find, and is hidden in the bottom level of the ship. At the opposite end of the ship to the helm, you should see a huge open grate that you can jump down into.

The Key to the Captain’s Quarters is hidden between some barrels in the bottom level of the ship. | Image credit: Roblox/VG247

In this room, the key is on the floor between some barrels in the back-left corner (if you are facing away from the door here).

With the key in your possession, go through the door in this room. You’ll need to complete a maze next, and if you’re stuck, here are the directions you should go in:

  1. From the start, take a right.
  2. When you come to the next crossroads – where there are three directions to go in – take the first right.
  3. Follow the path around until you come to another opening, where you can go left, or straight ahead and right. Go straight ahead and right.
  4. You will pass a blue plant and come to a left and right junction; take a left this time, as there is a dead-end to our right.
  5. At the next opening, go straight ahead – do not go right. You will arrive at a fish tank, all being well.
  6. Go straight past the fish tank and you’ll soon come to another opening, where there are two rights and one left. Take the second right to come to a door.

Open the door to arrive in the Captain’s Quarters, and stand on the red teleport here to be taken to another exclusive event stage for The Hunt: Mega Edition after a small cutscene.

Time to take on 20 waves of enemies. | Image credit: Roblox/VG247

You know what to do here by now; set up your defenses and this time, prepare for 20 waves of enemies and a particularly tough boss. That said, you don’t actually need to win here to receive the Mega Token! It’s the taking part that counts.

This map shows us where to find the Mega Token, and we’re going to have to return to the first event stage to get it. | Image credit: Roblox/VG247

After the second event stage is complete, go to the small room below the Flying Dutchman/helm of the ship. Here, you will find another map – this map tells us exactly where to find the Mega Token!

Enter this cave to retrieve your Mega Token. | Image credit: Roblox/VG247

Enter The Hunt event again – the original Chumaggedon stage we did at the very beginning of this guide – and go towards the City Hall. To the right of it is a tiny purple cave with a jellyfish floating around outside.

Head inside, go down the waterfall, and stand on the Token-shaped platform. Then, do the dance emote by typing ‘/e dance’ in chat. A door will open, and just through it is your Mega Token inside of Davy Jones’ Locker. Claim it, and you’re done here!

Mega Tokens, once you have three of them, can be used to access a secret area inside The Hunt: Mega Edition experience.

For more on Roblox, take a look at all codes for top Roblox experiences, including our SpongeBob Tower Defense codes. And if you’re taking part in The Hunt and want more tokens, here’s how to complete The Hunt quest in Fisch, and how to complete The Hunted quest in Pressure.

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