Jared Harris on the Harry Potter reboot: “The films were fantastic – leave them alone”

While Michael Gambon is well-known for his role as Albus Dumbledore in the Harry Potter films, he wasn’t the star behind the legendary wizard for the full saga. The first two films saw Richard Harris taking on the duties of the Hogwarts headmaster, all before sadly passing away shortly after Chamber of Secrets wrapped.

Now, as HBO are rebooting Harry Potter in a TV series format, Harris’ son, the Foundation, Chernobyl, Mad Men, and Sherlock Holmes actor Jared Harris was asked if he’d be interested in taking on his father’s former role as Dumbledore, to which Harris provided an answer many of us have been asking.

Speaking with The Independent, Harris stated: “No, thank you. Also, I mean, why do it? I don’t understand. The films were fantastic – leave them alone.”

One Harry Potter star that does seem semi-interested in returning is Gary Oldman, who would prefer this time to take a crack at Dumbledore and leave the Sirius Black duties to another person.

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