Kingdom Come Deliverance 2’s Storm quest seems simple enough on the surface. You’re sneaking through Trosky Castle to recover Henry’s sword and deal with a long-time enemy. The real trouble starts when you leave, though, as Storm has some of the game’s most demanding stealth segments.
Our Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Storm quest guide explains how to get out of Trosky Castle safely with the best route to freedom.
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Storm quest
- Search the scribe’s chamber for the orders, then deal with Istvan Toth and find von Bergow’s room
- Escape Trosky
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Storm: Search for the orders in the scribe’s chamber
Storm’s first part bundles a few optional objectives into the main one, searching for orders in the scribe’s chamber. The most important of those, recovering your belongings, happens in the same area where you eventually end up for the main quest, so don’t fret much about exploring to find them.
Once you regain control of Henry after the cutscene ends, loot the dead guard. There’s little danger of becoming overencumbered at this point, since you’ve lost all your stuff, and looking like a guard instead of a half-naked prisoner lowers your conspicuousness. That’s good, since your chances of winning in combat during the castle segment and your later escape are extremely low. Don’t try it.
After you’ve equipped a full gear set, wash yourself in the trough, and equip a torch in your belt. Don’t keep the torch ignited, since sneaking is the goal here, but you’ll occasionally need to light it to see what’s going on around you. Leave the dungeon via the stairs at the north end, and remain crouching so you make less noise. The next room has some food if you need it, but there’s not much else here worth examining. Climb the stairs, and douse your torch if you have it lit.
There’s a soldier at the other end of the hallway, which Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 helpfully points out with some ambient dialogue. Stay crouched, approach them from behind, and either incapacitate or kill them. Incapacitating is much easier, since you can do it without having to complete the stealth kill inputs.
Climb the stairs at the other end of the room, and ignore the next flight of stairs. There’s a door hidden in shadows – it’s a normal door, but the room is dark – that opens onto another gallery. Go through it, cross the gallery, and take a right onto the wooden walkway. A cutscene plays, and once it’s done, continue following the walkway to the southwest until you enter another elaborate room. You can ignore the guard on the walkway unless he’s nearby and poses a threat.
The door at the western end of the room that leads to another staircase. A drunk guard awaits at the top, though he’ll fall asleep after a few seconds pass. Deal with him or ignore him as you see fit. Climb yet more stairs, and you’ll reach another door, this one perfectly aligned with the “A” quest marker on your map. It’s the scribe’s room at last. Search all the chests and bookshelves – don’t take too much, as you’ll need to remain unencumbered – and Henry concludes the orders just aren’t here.
Follow the D quest marker up more stairs until you reach Istvan Toth’s room.
Should you kill or duel with Istvan Toth?
Just kill him. Even with guard armor or any other gear you took from the scribe’s chamber, Henry is in no state to battle with a foe as strong as Toth, though you can try if you want to. The faster, safer option is just to hurl the villain out the tower window.
Go up the stairs, enter Toth’s chambers, and grab your confiscated items and the castle keys from the chest in there.
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Storm: Search for Sigismund’s orders in von Bergow’s chambers
The next part of the quest has you backtrack east across the castle, where Godwin is waiting. The trek should be safe, if you dealt with all the guards previously. Enter von Bergow’s chambers, and search everywhere. There’s nothing significant to take, so don’t add to Henry’s load. Once you find the orders in a small chest on a desk, follow Godwin out and begin the process of escaping Trosky Castle.
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Storm: Escape Trosky Castle and Meet Mika
The quest’s next part seems overwhelming, given the number of guards patrolling east of the castle and your absolute lack of combat readiness. However, there’s a quick and easy path around almost all of them that takes you to Mika and the abandoned camp without having to deal with more than one or two guards.
Before leaving the tunnels, you may want to consume a Nighthawk potion if you have one. It’s not a massive impediment if you don’t, though, as you can literally just follow a compass bearing to stay on the safe route.
Once you exit the tunnels, you’ll see a cluster of guards ahead of you, more on your left, and one trailing off to the east on your right. Follow that one from a safe distance. The path goes southeast almost without varying direction, and if you stay crouched, you’ll remain out of sight of the guards below.
The guard you’re tailing eventually turns left and looks out over the encampment, and another heads up the hill to your right. That’s good, because it keeps them out of your way. Follow the quest marker – which essentially takes you between those two guards – and you’ll see an enemy camp on your right and the abandoned camp on your left. A guard is harassing Mika at the abandoned camp, but is facing away from you. Sneak behind them and incapaciate or kill them, and speak with Mika to end Storm.
Next up is Kuttenberg, but if you haven’t done them yet, make sure to revisit Trosky at some point to get the Vidlak Bandit’s treasure and the Map Left by the Deceased, and don’t forget to do Mutt’s quest, either.