During the recent Minecraft Live, players were treated to news on when the next Minecraft update will be released. Mojang has already promised more frequent updates to the blocky sandbox game, and the first one of 2025 is the Spring To Life update.
Next Minecraft release date
The next Minecraft update will be released on Tuesday, March 25, 2025. The 1.25.5 update sees new mob variants, new audio features, and interesting plant additions.
For players using the game’s Snapshots feature, where you can try out new additions in beta form, you may already be familiar with the update’s contents.
New Minecraft update features
Minecraft biomes are set to feel more different to one another with the Spring To Life update. New warm and cold mob variants, sounds, and flora are all set to appear in the game with the release date.
Mob variants
Chickens, pigs, and cows now have more variants, and will spawn in specific areas. The three variants, Temperate, Cold, and Warm, have different colours and different biome specifications. The Temperate versions will spawn by default where Cold and Warm do not spawn. The Cold variants will spawn in, well, anywhere that’s cold. That includes the Taiga, Windswept Hills, Snowy Plains, and even the Deep Dark and The End. The Warm variants spawn in the opposite, so places like the Savanna, Jungle, Badlands, Mangrove Swamps, and the Nether’s biomes.
They’re not the only mobs getting attention, as the Wolf gets six new sounds. Each wolf will receive a random sound variant when it spawns, and will stick with that for its existence. The existing wolf noises are used for the Classic variant, and Minecraft is adding Big, Cute, Puglin, Angry, Grumpy, and Sad.
New Minecraft blocks
As well as the attention to mobs, Minecraft’s blocks are becoming more diverse. Bushes will generate in the Plains, Windswept Hills, River and Frozen River, and all Forest biomes. They are tinted by the grass color of the biome that they are placed or spawn in, and can be used in the composter. Using bone meal on a bush generates a neighboring bush if there is space. Harvesting bushes can be done using any tool with Silk Touch, or the shears.
The Cactus Flower is a new type of flower that has a chance of generating cacti. It can be placed on cactus blocks, or any block which has center support at the top. If a cactus is one or two blocks high, there is a 10% chance of a Cactus Flower growing on it, instead of the cactus getting taller. If the cactus is three or more blocks high, the growth chance increases to 25%, but they’ll only grow if there is space on all sides. Any tool can mine it, and it can also be used to craft pink dye.
The Firefly Bush is a long-awaited addition after Minecraft controversially removed Fireflies from the game following concerns that they were toxic to frogs in real life, and that by eating them in-game, it was a potential issue. The Firefly Bush is being added now, which will generate in swamps, near rivers, near water in Mangrove Swamps, and rarely in the Badlands. When it’s dark, you’ll spot glowing firefly particles up to five blocks from a Firefly Bush. It will play immersive, ambient sounds as long as it’s not blocked from above and it’s nighttime. Using bone meal on a Firefly bush will generate a neighboring one as long as there is space. It also emits a light level of 2, but will be instantly broken without any particular tool.
Leaf Litter is another block being added to Minecraft to improve the immersive nature of the game. It’s a decorative block that can be found in forests and wooded badlands biomes. It works in a similar way to the petals blocks, and up to four can be placed on the same block, increasing the density of the Leaf Litter the more you place per block. Smelting any type of leaves block will create Leaf Litter, and it can also be used as fuel for smelting. It also comes with unique block sounds–we can’t wait to trample through the leaves in Fall.
Short Dry Grass is one block high and generates in the desert and badlands biomes. Tall Dry Grass is also one block high, but aesthetically taller. It can be placed on sand, terracotta, and dirt blocks similarly to the dead bush. You can collect Short or Tall Dry Grass using shears or any tool with Silk Touch. Using bone meal on Short Dry Grass turns it into Tall Dry Grass. Sheep can eat it to regrow their wool, too.
Wildflowers are a new type of flower exclusive to birch and old growth birch forests as well as meadows. You can have up to four Wildflowers per one block, similar to other petals and flowers decorations. They can be crafted into yellow dye.
The Test and Test Instance blocks are technical blocks used in game tests, also being added to the game.
The Blue Egg is a variant of the egg which is only laid by the cold chicken variant, and spawns another cold chicken when hatched. The Brown Egg is the warm chicken’s alternative.
World generation
Also being added to the game in 1.21.5 are fallen trees. These change the way that trees can appear throughout the game. Now, you may find Oak, Spruce, Birch, or Jungle trees horizontally across the ground. The Birch version can be short or long, and all variants can be found anywhere in the game apart from the Meadow, Bamboo Jungle, River, Grove, or Flower Forest. Fallen trees can even be decorated with mushrooms or vines.
New sounds being added to the game include dead bush blocks playing ambient sounds when placed on top of two blocks that are any color terracotta, sand, or red sand blocks in any biome. Those three blocks also have a chance of playing ambient sounds when surrounded by one of them at least three sides eight blocks away.
That’s everything coming to Minecraft in the next update. Beyond that, there will be Happy Ghasts in the second drop of 2025, which see a new spin on a formerly dangerous mob.