Once Human cracks Steam with 130k player count debut

Survival games, especially those that allow you to build up resources and fight enemies with friends, are proving ever popular in recent years. Palworld, Enshrouded, and now Once Human have gathered large amounts of players in the short time following their launches.

Once Human, a post-apocalyptic survival from Starry Studio and Netease Games, pits you and your friends against strange monsters as you uncover the secrets of the world. The game has drawn the eyes of many, garnering over 130,000 players at its peak count via SteamDB.

The game is free, so there’s no barrier to entry, but the reviews do point out some potentially shady apps installed alongside the game, so keep an eye out. Upon reading further, it seems the data gathering is exclusive to Asian regions, so those outside of those, it seems you’re in the clear.

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