The Triumphant Light expansion pack is the second mini-set to have arrived in Pokemon TCG Pocket, and while it doesn’t feature any meta-changing Pokemon, it does have plenty of cards for you to pull that can bolster your existing decks.
Take poster-Pokemon, Arceus, for example. This Normal-type ex Pokemon can be slotted into a wide range of decks – such as the Palkia ex deck – as a filler, and makes an already strong deck that little bit more intimidating! To see what other cards you have a chance of pulling, here’s the Pokemon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light card list.
Pokemon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light Card List
Triumphant Light is the second mini-set to arrive in Pokemon TCG Pocket, having just one booster pack for players to open and receive cards from, much like the prior Mythical Island expansion. Similarly, Triumphant Light only features one immersive card, and that’s the legendary fella on the front of the pack: Arceus.
Here’s what other cards you can expect to pull from the Triumphant Light expansion in Pokemon TCG Pocket.
Common Cards – 100% inclusion rate (1st – 3rd cards)
- Burmy
- Combee
- Cherubi
- Houndour
- Marill
- Azumarill
- Barboach
- Snorunt
- Snover
- Pikachu
- Electrike
- Clefairy
- Gastly
- Haunter
- Phanpy
- Larvitar
- Nosepass
- Meditite
- Gible
- Gabite
- Zubat
- Golbat
- Croagunk
- Magnemite
- Magneton
- Bronzor
- Eevee
- Hoothoot
- Starly
- Staravia
Uncommon Cards – 90% Inclusion (4th Card), 60% (5th Card)
- Heracross
- Mothim
- Vespiquen
- Cherrim
- Cherrim
- Houndoom
- Whiscash
- Froslass
- Phione
- Manectric
- Clefable
- Gengar
- Unown
- Sudowoodo
- Donphan
- Pupitar
- Medicham
- Toxicroak
- Bronzong
- Snorlax
- Noctowl
- Staraptor
- Irida
- Celestic Town Elder
- Adaman
- Barry
Rare Cards – 5% Inclusion (4th Card), 20% (5th Card)
- Carnivine
- Heatran
- Abomasnow
- Origin Forme Palkia
- Raichu
- Rotom
- Tyranitar
- Crobat
- Magnezone
- Origin Forme Dialga
- Giratina
- Shaymin
- Arceus
Full Art Rare Cards – 2.572% Inclusion (4th Card), 10.288% (5th Card)
- Houndoom
- Marill
- Unown
- Sudowoodo
- Magnemite
- Shaymin
EX Cards – 1.666% Inclusion (4th Card), 6.664% (5th Card)
- Leafeon ex
- Glaceon ex
- Garchomp ex
- Probopass ex
- Arceus ex
Full Art EX/Uncommon Cards – 0.5% Inclusion (4th Card), 2% (5th Card)
- Leafeon ex
- Glaceon ex
- Garchomp ex
- Probopass ex
- Arceus ex
- Irida
- Celestic Town Elder
- Barry
- Adaman
- Leafeon ex (Rainbow Border)
- Glaceon ex (Rainbow Border)
- Garchomp ex (Rainbow Border)
- Probopass ex (Rainbow Border)
Golden Rare Cards – 0.040% Inclusion (4th Card), 0.16% (5th Card)
Immersive Cards – 0.222% Inclusion (4th Card), 0.888% (5th Card)
Now you know what to expect from the Triumphant Light expansion in Pokemon TCG [Pocket, be sure to check out our list of the best decks to use, and all Secret Missions, which you should complete for some hidden rewards.