Predecessor – Howie Pop Em Like It’s Hot Build Guide

This build can be played in any lane. Off, mid support or carry.

Howie Pop Em Like It’s Hot Build

By badda dan saddam

If you use this build you need to focus on timing of the item bursts, making sure you land your basic after using any ability.

  1. Crescella – is essential to the build because of the on hit damage burst and massive cool down reduction. It compliments his passive and the following on-hot burst items.
  2. Oathkeeper – health and more on-hit burst.
  3. Magnify – health and armour shred with an on hit burst.
  4. World breaker – convert the decent chunks of health you added into a magic power stat that makes up for the crescella pick. 5% of 1000 health (roughly the extra item health u build) is an extra 50 magic power and thats just item health.
  5. Ela frost – on hit burst using the decent health stat you have now built. The health chunk compliments world breaker once again and a nice dose of physical armour to see you through.
  6. Whatever you think.

So the result is you spam abilities, get your mine back asap and in-between your ability damage you take huge chunks off with your basic attacks. You do maximum damage in short interactions while being tanky enough to survive a melee onslaught, with ability haste and utility coming back quickly thanks to crescella. More abilities used the more Howie gets his passive burst on his basic attack too.

Yes, combustion is everyone’s go to, but it’s a long cool down. This one you can deal around 500 damage on your basic attk every 1.5s.

The result is very fun and if you get ahead you start popping tank heroes in one rotation of abilities, all while getting your most important ability back quickly – the mine.


6th item you can even go Gaia Greaves to really take the piss and be tanky damager – with that initial physical power on hit burst. The health converts with world breaker and adds to the elafrost item, your even more resilient while still dishing out big bursts on-hit.

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