Last month we told you that Rare’s studio head Craig Duncan got a big promotion at the Xbox team. Following the departure of Xbox Game Studios boss Alan Hartman, it will now be this Britton who will have the honour of steering the huge ship going forward.
And now he seems to be settled into the new gig, because via Instagram Rare is bidding farewell and paying tribute to his old boss:
“Today we’re celebrating @Gamerboss’ tenure at @RareLtd; after 13 years and 10 months, our head honcho recently started a new role as Head of Xbox Game Studios! We’ll still see plenty of him, but he’ll miss out on daily cake. Thanks for everything, Craig, from all of us. You rock!”
How this will affect Xbox Game Studios going forward, remains to be seen. We’re looking forward to following Duncan’s continued career and hope he uses his new title to immediately greenlight either Banjo-Kazooie 3 or Conker 2 (one of those is totally enough to make us happy, we’re not asking for much).
The new leadership at Rare will now be shared by Joe Neate and veteran Jim Horth, the former probably being a name that all Sea of Thieves players will recognize.