While they’re currently focused on efforts to keep The Sims 4 chugging along, EA and Maxis reportedly have something nice for retro Sims fans in store as part of a celebration of the series’ 25th anniversary – re-releases of the first two Sims games.
This is according to Kotaku, which reports that it’s heard EA will be putting these games out digitally on PC by the end of January – so, basically this week.
The report adds that all of the original expansion packs for both The Sims and The Sims 2 are believed to be coming with the re-releases, which seemingly would include ones involving licensed tie-ins, such as the IKEA Home Stuff pack that allowed your sims to learn the wonders of Swedish flat-pack chairs.
Kotaku claims that an item called “Nostalgia Now” that can be seen alongside the date range of January 27 to January 31 in a roadmap video for the 25th anniversary celebrations EA posted eariler this month refers to the re-releases.
Just yesterday, the publisher shared another video via Twitter, this time showing a “time travel” option being selected in The Sims 2’s action menu. The post was captioned “*~~BRB~~*”, which I assume must stand for the conventional ‘Be Right Back’ or something in Simlish that sounds like words, but isn’t. We’ll just have to wait and Sul Sul.
It’s been very tough for people who can’t rely on original physical disks to play the first two Sims games on PC for a good while now, so here’s hoping that is about to get a lot more straightforward since they’re both definitely worth re-visiting. Your relatives and/or children must learn that your sim-killing skills aren’t just a Sims 3 and 4 thing – they’ve been well-honed over decades of deathly dedication.
Make sure you check out our latest guides to The Sims 4, including every cheat you’ll inevitably want to use to motherlode your way into being an even more powerful omnipotent deity that keeps telling video game people to stop playing on the computer and actually do something useful that’ll level up their skills.