Remnant 2 – Gameplay FAQ

Beginners FAQ

How is power level (PL) determined?

Power level is calculated on the basis of your highest leveled longgun, highest leveled melee weapon, highest leveled handgun, and your two highest leveled archetypes – regardless of whether or not any of these are equipped. The precise formula has not yet been discovered. We do know that level 0 weapons with two level 10 archetypes yields a PL of 8.

How is world level (WL) determined?

Campaigns have set WL minimums at different points in the campaign. For example, your first world boss will always have a minimum level of 5. If you’re below the WL minimum of the area you’re in, then the WL will be whatever the minimum is for that area. If you’re above the WL minimum, then the WL becomes your current PL+1. Adventures are always set to your current PL+1.

Why is there a trait level cap when there wasn’t one in Remnant 1?

As you may know, players were allowed to level all available traits to the max in Remnant 1, to a total of 1000 trait points (post DLCs). Remnant 2 has a capped trait level, which is currently set to 85 trait points. The developers have cited two major reasons for why they introduced a trait cap in Remnant 2. First, having all of the traits leveled to the max in Remnant 1 introduced severe balancing issues. Having more base HP, stamina, damage, armor, crit change, weapon range, etc., for free made those new stats the baseline for balancing which, as you could imagine, made balancing difficult. Second, being forced to choose which traits you want to allocate your limited trait points to introduces important choices, ultimately making build-making more interesting. The developers are considering adding features to add some sort of long-term endgame grind for players. Nothing’s been announced yet!

Why aren’t there armor set bonuses like in Remnant 1?

Armor set bonuses were removed in Remnant 2 so that players weren’t forced to wear specific armor sets (which came with specific resists and specific weights) to run a certain build. For example, in Remnant 1, players who wanted to use a ‘mod spam’ build were stuck using the Labyrinth Set which didn’t offer much damage resistance. This meant that ‘mod spam’ builds were, by their nature, glass cannons! By removing armor set bonuses, players may now use ‘mod spam’ builds while wearing different armors of differing weights. Weapon mutators have been added to Remnant 2 to, more or less, fill the role that armor set bonuses played before.

Is there somewhere I can store gear I don’t want to carry around?

Your inventory storage is quite impressive…the Traveler’s backpack may be from another dimension considering how many consumables and pieces of equipment they are able to store in it, thus having no need for extra storage. Your friendly vendors enjoy holding onto items you sell to them though, especially for other wandering travelers to browse. You can favorite guns, melee weapons, and trinkets to help keep things organized.

Is there transmog?

There isn’t at present, and there’s been no word on whether this feature will be added.

Can I change my character’s appearance or voice?

You can’t at present, and there’s been no word on whether this feature will be added.

How does hardcore co-op work?

A hardcore run ends when every player in the team dies. If a singular character downs, they may be revived by another player. If a single player dies, they may be resurrected by another player at a world stone.

What is rerolling? Why would I do that?

When you go to the world stone in Ward 13, you can click on ‘World Settings’ and choose to “reroll” your campaign or an adventure. Rerolling is when you take your currently generated campaign or adventure and replace it with a new campaign or adventure. The new campaign or adventure roll will have a different, randomly generated arrangement of random items, bosses, dungeons, events, etc. You’d reroll your campaign so you could play it at a higher difficulty to unlock difficulty specific rewards or to collect more of the campaign-specific items. You’d reroll adventure for faster access to worlds so that you may find specific random items, bosses, dungeons, events, etc. faster.

I’ve played a lot and I haven’t found any new guns or armor. Where do I find new guns or armor?

You can buy new guns and armor in Ward 13 from Brabus (near the firing range) and Whispers (near the garden), respectively. Otherwise, guns and armor have to be found. They’re usually locked behind puzzles. Given the random nature of the game, you could go a decent way through a campaign and never actually find a new gun or armor set , especially if you’re not looking around thoroughly.

How do I find the roaming aberrations that were added with the Halloween Aberration Domination Event? / How do I find corrupted shards post Aberration Domination? / How do I find the mutators that were added with the Aberration Domination Event? / How many corrupted shards can I carry at a time?

Roaming aberrations spawn randomly in any overworld or dungeon map. They specifically spawn on ‘high intensity’ tiles, the areas of the map where action really ramps up. (Think an elite spawn after a horde horn.) The spawn chance on high intensity tiles varies by difficulty – 10% chance on survivor on a given high intensity tile, 20% on veteran, 35% on nightmare, and 50% at apocalypse. (Note: these numbers have not been officially confirmed, but are the target numbers suggested by the developers before the spawn rates were improved in Nov 14, 2023 patch.) Roaming aberrations always drop one corrupted shard and one of the twelve mutators (at random, repeat drops possible). You can carry up to 10 corrupted shards at a time.

How do I obtain the difficulty completion rewards (e.g. Smoulder, World’s Edge, Savior)? / Why did I beat Annihilation and not get World’s Edge?

  • To obtain the difficulty completion rewards, you must defeat a world boss from every world. When you clear a world boss from a unique world on the appropriate difficulty/setting the game gives your character a ‘flag’ and the game checks your flags to give you the rewards.
  • You can obtain the N’erud, Yaesha, and Losomn flags in adventure mode. For obvious reasons, the Labyrinth and Root Earth flags require playing in a campaign.
  • You can acquire the flags in co-op.
  • You cannot simply join someone else’s game to buy the rewards from their vendors.

How many archetypes are there currently?

There are 12 archetypes as of the One True King DLC. The Ritualist is available in the One True King DLC.

How do I get mythic relic fragments?

The rarity of relic fragments you find is determined by two factors: the difficulty your game is currently set to and your total archetype level (the level of your archetypes all combined). Mythic relics fragments drop and are generated by Dwell when your game is set to apocalypse and you have a total archetype level of, roughly, 80. (Caveat: you might be able to get mythic relic fragments outside of apocalypse or with a total archetype level below roughly 80 if you have the Explorer archetype equipped.)

How does Damage Reduction (DR) work?

  • General damage reduction is added together from many sources. Items and perks that reduce damage taken, or buffs like Bulwark or Stone Skin will add to your damage reduction. Some sources, such as Blood Bond or Song of Eafir, work differently, and will not contribute to your general DR but will reduce the final damage taken.
  • Armor damage reduction is calculated as armor/(armor + 200). Modifiers to armor effectiveness are multipliers that are added together before being applied to your armor statistic.
  • Your total damage reduction is the multiplicative result of general DR and armor DR. Basically, one source is applied to the REMAINING DAMAGE from the other source. For example, if you have 50% armor DR and 50% general DR, your total DR is 75%. If you take a hit for 100 damage, armor would reduce the damage taken to 50, and the general DR would halve the remaining 50 damage, down to 25. This is 25% of the original damage taken, which means the reduction was 75%. This calculation works regardless of which source is applied first.
  • There is a total DR cap of 80%. Any additional DR is ignored.

Where are the soul sparks?

The soul sparks can be found in the Eon Vault overworld area, in one of two large pyramid-shaped bunkers (the one with a light on its front). Be sure to look around the bunkers for a Simulacrum!

Do higher difficulties give more experience? Do enemies have more health at higher difficulties? Do enemies do more damage at higher difficulties?

This chart contains the numbers for Experience, Mob HP and Damage, and Boss HP and Damage across the four difficulties.

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