Rumour: Dark Souls 3 Remastered is in development

In recent times we’ve been witnessing a strange phenomenon of seeing remastered versions of games that are less than 10 years old. It’s something that perhaps started with The Last of Us, and has been followed by a second, remastered version of its sequel. We also saw it recently with Guerrilla Games and Horizon: Zero Dawn Remastered, and presumably we’ll see it in the near future with FromSoftware.

The developers of Bloodborne, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Dark Souls or Elden Ring are no strangers to this trend either, as they have Dark Souls Remastered, as well as a Demon’s Souls remake from Bluepoint Games. And it looks like they have more on the way. According to well-known insider Shpeshal Nick (thank you, Insider Gaming), Dark Souls 3 will be the next title to carry the “Remastered” tag. While the leaker doesn’t reveal much more information about it, he does let it slip that we should presumably expect performance in excess of 1080p and 60fps.

Dark Souls 3 was the studio’s biggest seller, selling more than 10 million copies, and with this new version they’ll surely want to attract a new generation to their universe. And who knows, maybe it might be worth revisiting Lothric before Dark Souls 4?

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