Rumour: Switch 2 will be revealed very early 2025

It’s two weeks left of 2024 to the day, and for Nintendo to announce the Switch 2 now when people are so busy with Christmas shopping and other preparations, seems unlikely to say the least.

That said, it might not be that long before we get to see after all. Nintendo has previously stated that the console will be shown by March 31, but we don’t know when. Now, however, boss Chris Dring says on the GI Microcast that he’s heard reports that the Switch 2 may be unveiled shortly after the New Year.

Dring is careful to point out, however, that this is vague information, adding that “it’s chatter”, so no one thinks it’s written in stone. Considering that he still mentions it, is a person who usually knows about these things, and that we know that many of you are curious about what Nintendo has going on, it still feels appropriate to inform about this.

What do you think, will the new gaming year start with a look at Switch 2?

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