Spice lovers rejoice, as it’s sounding like Denis Villeneuve will be starting production on Dune: Messiah a lot sooner than anyone expected

Dune: Messiah wasn’t expected to start shooting until 2026, but a new report claims things might kick off a bit sooner.

Last year, Dune: Part 2 (Electric Boogaloo) surprised nobody by being one of the highest grossing films of 2024, coming in at sixth place with a box office gross of more than $714. That was an increase of more than $300 million compared to the first one, so it’s no surprise that another film is on the way (not to mention that TV series Dune: Prophecy that just kinda seemed to come and go last year, they can’t all be winners). But considering how Dune: Part 2 only came out about a year ago, you’d assume that something as big as a third film would still be a while away from making any headway on production. As it turns out, according to Deadline, that’s not true at all.

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The report says that Dune: Messiah is now expected to start shooting as early as June this year, and not in 2026 like Denis Villeneuve previously said. That isn’t actually too much of a surprise, as speaking to Collider earlier this month the director explained that he was moving forward with Messiah as his next project because he was “really moved by the way Part Two was received by cinephiles around the world, and I felt an appetite and a desire to see more and a responsibility to finish that story.”

Villeneuve has been working on the script for the third film since at least last September, where at the time he noted that he doesn’t consider his Dune films to be a part of a trilogy. “It was really a pair of movies that will be the adaptation of the first book,” Villeneuve said at the time. “That’s done and that’s finished. If I do a third one, which is in the writing process, it’s not like a trilogy. It’s strange to say that, but if I go back there, it’s to do something that feels different and has its own identity.”

Dune: Messiah doesn’t currently have a release date, but with a much sooner shoot date than expected, you can probably look forward to it earlier than you thought.

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