Tales of Angels – Beginners Guide

Helpful Things for New Players

General Tips

Don’t dismiss all your 4 stars and 3 stars. When I checked at first in the maiden tab I’m pretty sure it told me that 4 stars was the max star level of the 4 star maidens. This has now changed, but instead of using your 5 star epic maidens as materials in star ups, star up your 4 stars and use those instead, they can even go higher than 5 stars. Don’t dismiss all your 3 star maidens because they are used as star up material in the 4 star star-ups.

Best thing I’ve noticed is the Lineup Test in the knight tutorial, so you can test unit placements against yourself to see what’s the best comp and arrangement you can make & you can also spar other players to see how you hold up against them. It’s very useful to try out different formations especially when defending for Valor Cup/Duels/Paladin & Guild Wars. To Spar other players you just have to click on their profile, and you’ll have a sparring option.

If you have a single team that focuses on always present effects (like poison for the dark maidens), and gather similar maidens that have to do with poison, you can do almost double normal damage every round. Best start is to upgrade Harriet as high as you can since she can grant shields and heals, then Christine for poison and massive group damage, and then Lilith for the end of turn poison damage. The rest is whatever you prefer but I recommend a strong AOE character, an assassin to finish off low health targets, and some character to buff your team (but can still do a special attack- not just only buffing all game).

I know dark and light maidens are hard to get a hold off like all games but if you do a lot of the valor challenges and things of that sort you can actually purchase maidens from a shop on a weekly purchase (no real money needed).

You can dismiss character in Main City – Flowerbed – Dismiss for currency to buy light / dark maidens. It dismisses your maidens below 4* and you can choose how many of each type you want to keep! Use this mechanic for faster progression!

Dont forget to log in everyday and check the game from time to time each day to get the most out of the tons of freebies they give and some things that reset such as the free Prayer Statue and the rest!

Maiden’s most important nurture achievements are sigils and talents, depending on skill. Sigil’s skills can be obtained through reforge to obtain the skills you want, and talent is to buy at T-Stone Shop. Did you notice something? That is, the skill of the sigil will be re-created after the sigil is fused! This is a bad thing, however, when the sigil is fused into Divine sigil, it is not upgraded in the way of sigil fuse, so it will not be re-randomized! For this reason, if you want to reforge, fuse it into Divine sigil first!

Grinding Strategy

Day 1:

  • For day 1, focus on building characters that are good for dealing Damage and Executions.
  • Choose characters that would be the main Damage Dealers.
    • Ex: Karoro, Tina (get her for free in Event), characters with kits that are designed to deal Damage.
  • Then choose 1-2 characters for sustainability.
    • Ex: Anora, Uni, characters with kits that are designed to Heal or provide Shield/Protection.

Grind as much as you can, do Gameplay in Outskirts and for god’s sake do not do Stunning Cubes because its really bad. Also, do summons with Goddess’s Whip whenever you could because it would be your main source to get units. Do daily quests too since its important for beginners.

Day 2-4:

  • For these days, try to build a more efficient team with characters that are in higher tiers (at least B or higher). Don’t hesitate to Rebirth a low tier character in the Flowerbed, as you need materials for better characters.
    • Ex: Tina, Um, Undine, Minos, the Myths or Legendaries, Epics should only be used to Star-Up characters.

Summon stuff in The Statue as much as possible without using Gems since there could be better characters that are limited in the future. Star-Up 4 Stars characters to 5 Stars. Build your characters equally, every character should be around the same levels especially characters that are for sustainability

Day 4-6:

  • At this point, you should throughoutly understand how the game works if you spend around 30 minutes/1 hour per day.
  • You could engage in PvP’s.
  • With the PvP, you’ll be able to learn how a character really performs in their full potential. Dont be shy to ask people on the Cross-Server Chat.

Spend Gems wisely, spend enough since there are good stuff that are worth to buy like Level Packs 5-45.

Day 7+:

Nothing much to say, youre good at the game. If anything, the rest of the mechanics should be discorvered on your own because its more fun that way.

Diamond Tips

Just started the game, and you need to know what’s worth your diamonds? I am here to help!

Event summons

This is extremely worth your diamonds, where you will obtain powerful Mythic maidens, and the other rewards aren’t bad either. I’ve gotten the 20K diamond reward twice! Save your diamonds so you can purchase 20 draws from each ongoing summon event, every day.

Stick to only paying diamonds for the event summon, not the advanced summon. If you still wish to pay diamonds for the advanced summon, buy whips from the discount shop.

Quick adventure

Always do all extra quick adventures. You will level up faster, unlocking more and earning more rewards.

Extra knight training/boss attempts

Similar to quick adventure, buying more attempts will lead to more more guild contribution and more future rewards.

Investigate Privilege

This will allow you to get more high level quests without wasting your exploration maps. And higher level quests have better rewards!

Level up packs

These can be purchased when you reach level milestones, and contain extremely good deals.

Light/dark fairies

Light and dark maidens will be a big part of your lineup in future stages. Although a bit expensive, if you see a light/dark fairy in a diamond shop, it is usually worth the buy.

Limited time deals

Occasionally, you will see a limited time deal (they appear in the top left of the main city menu) that can be purchased with diamonds. Again, these are often worth your diamonds.

Extra Gold

If you are in desperate need of gold, buying extra with diamonds is a viable option.

Fishing Tips

The wait for fishing is sad but when the day comes to fish get on out there and do some fishing! Keep in mind many fish have buffs that help! Make sure you check your fish before selling it or replacing it!

Fishing bait definitely helps but so do the skills! Now upgrading your fish tank is costly and the only ways to get the money to upgrade is to sell fish and item’s caught.. so if you want to hold more fish and get those awesome buffs! Or even have a favorite fish I recommend using your fishing skill points on upgrading the price per fish and item sold! So you can maximize your fish tank to hold what you need! Fishing is worth it in the long run.

Do’s and Dont’s While Level Up

All the maidens have a “tier” to base their stats, these tiers in order of strongest are:

  • Limited Maidens > Light/Dark Maidens > Myths > Others

To Star Up Both Limited Maidens and L/D use the same formula that is:

  • 6* = 1 Copy and 2 random 6*
  • 7* = 1 L/D 5* and 1 random 6* plus 2K orbs
  • 8* = 1 Copy and 2 random 6* plus 4K orbs
  • 9* = 1 Copy, 1 L/D 5* and 2 random 6*
  • 10* = 2 Copies, 1 L/D 6* and 1 random 9* plus 10K orbs

Currently the strongest maidens are:

You should always spend gems on Limited maidens, yes they’re worth.

Maidens that are not Limited or L/D you should only level til 6* or 9* so it can became food later, if it’s a myth you can star her up to 10* and use on your team til u need to 11* a L/D maiden.

You should prioritize Level Up, Gear and sigil on your maiden with most Stars.

You avarage team should look like:

  • 1 or 2 Guardian.
  • 1 Support.
  • And the rest all mages/ warriors.

Dont stress too much on elements cause it only starts to be really impactfull when your team is already most L/D.

Guild Skill training should be Mage/warrior (who you use the most) > Guardian > Support.

Also Some Tips on Diamond Management:

  • Don’t spend on Advanced summons.
  • Always use all quick adventures.
  • Maiden Blitz are also soo worth.
  • Limited Maidens.
  • Dont buy every item on discount, only buy it if you need it soon.
  • Use all Knight Training clears.
  • Try to always buy de 6K L/D fairies in events, it is worth it.
  • Rune summons are only worth if you will complete some rune or get some important level such as 20/40/70.

Tetris Tips

More Lines Cleard Buffs Units

So firstly, the more lines you clear actually sends out stronger units. This means 1 line cleared sends out weak units, 5 lines sends out strongest units.

Prepare for The Future

Tetris has been around for a long time and a common strategy is to build up and and save 1-2 empty lines in one of the sides, then send it once u want.

In the video below i recorded a little video so you can get an idea of what the best strategy is. Build up with 1 line left either in left or right dont matter, and then when you get the blue block just send 5 lines at once and you will be chilling.

This way ensures you dont really have to stress and that you can take it pretty chill.

PVP Tier List

This Tier List is based on the current version of TOA, specifically focusing on PVP mode. As usual, investing in multiple L/D Maidens at once is not recommended, as their growth requires substantial resources. Make sure to plan your investments wisely! A good strategy is to use 3-element Maidens (e.g., Liyadore/Minos/Jenny) as a transition, gradually replacing them with Light and Dark Maidens later on.

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