The next generation of consoles will have to choose: It will only be able to support two systems, and one of them will “clearly” be Nintendo

While many of us gamers have the pleasure and fortune of owning all three major console systems at home, it’s quite possible that in the next console generation we’ll only have two of them, and one of them will be Switch 2. So believes market analyst firm DFC Intelligence in its annual report, in which it believes that gamers and the industry (developers, publishers and other stakeholders) will favour one console, while the other will disappear. That is, it seems that we will only see the success of either a hypothetical PlayStation 6, or a future Xbox console, when both systems arrive in 2028 (according to current estimates).

The current numbers, as well as those of the previous generation, indicate that Sony would be the winning horse. PlayStation has a far superior player base to Xbox in the vast majority of territories, and in its strongest territories it is declining rapidly.

“Microsoft failed with Xbox Series X/S but has made major acquisitions to become world’s largest software publisher. Microsoft has the option of focusing on software and distribution models over hardware”.

The firm also claims in the document that 2025 will be a record profit year for video games, thanks to the launch of Nintendo Switch 2 (and Nintendo’s entire back catalogue to be announced) as well as the release of GTA 6.

As of today, which system would you choose for the next generation of consoles?

Thnaks, VGC.

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