The use of AI and whether it can be done safely for the people working in the respective industries where the technology is used is one of the big questions at the moment, and film professionals in particular are quite worried about whether it will lead to job losses and eventually the loss of originality and creativity.
However, if you ask Zack Snyder, the director of the two Rebel Moon films, directors should be using AI instead of watching from the sidelines. In an interview with Wired he says this:
“Every single person has a pretty good movie camera on their phone, and yet we don’t have, right this second anyway, millions of awesome movies being uploaded out of peoples’ pockets. Educating yourself and understanding what [AI] can and can’t do is important right now, especially where it exists in image-making and storytelling. You have to understand what it is and what it’s not capable of, and you have to be able to use it as a tool as opposed to standing on the sidelines with your hands on your hips.”
In fact, he encourages smaller filmmakers to use AI to save money on expensive shooting costs:
“AI doesn’t care if a house is on fire or if it’s on Mars or whether it’s underwater. All the things that might cost a filmmaker a lot of money to shoot are, to the AI, no different.”