Arena Breakout – TV Station Anti-Rat Guide
Hello and welcome to the TV station Anti-Rat guide, today we will examine the Areas where TV station rats are and how do we get rid of them.
Anti-Rat Guide to TV Station
By Omelette
Quick Notes
Always carry grenades of course, they’re essential to getting rid of these vermin pests out of our beloved station.
Always check the corners, you will never know that someone might be lurking behind you after you exit an area leading to your demise.
Never be afraid of running away from a fight, if you know there’s more than one rat and you’re not confident on dealing with them it’s okay to leave them because some fights can’t be Won, you can always live another fight to join another battle that you can win.
Always listen to your surroundings, listening for footsteps and enemy movement might save your life from these Rats, I recommend buying a good headset that can pickup a favorable amount of sound in a distance so you can win.
Let’s get started.
Picking grenades are essential in dealing with these types of players, there’s a lot of variety of grenades but you’d want to be carrying one of these grenades.
T-13 shock grenade
This grenade packs a punch in dealing body damage and enemy armor always carry at least 3 or more of these small things because this will save you from well armored Rats and opponents.
MK-2 Frag grenade
This like Grenade is a very powerful version of the M67 Frag grenade, this with the powerful Explosion it makes and the Favorable Armor Damage with it’s shells is very essential too on taking out multiple or a single well armored rat or player, I recommend bringing 2 or more of these bad boys.
GHO offensive Grenade
This grenade is the best and powerful grenade just by it’s Area of Effect damage, the Stun that it makes and the Explosion that ignores enemy cover, you can always rely on this grenade because of it’s ability to ignore obstacles that enemy is hiding in, you can Spam these bad boys out without worrying that the enemy would get away because of it’s good stun.
I recommend carrying 4 of these or more just in case you find yourself with a lot of rats in your area.
K-58 Grenade
This is by far the best Grenade to expose your enemy’s location, just by coming in contact with this grenade the enemy will be stunned and they will be alerted so you can use this to your advantage, I recommend carrying 4 or more of these grenades just to be safe. Tip: if you see a Open room you can throw this grenade just in case you’re not sure if it’s safe or not.
Now after you pick your grenades out now we’re gonna Analyze the Area where our Little friends hide a scuttle.
Set-Up Area

The first Rat area is the Room of Set-Up area that contains a locked room with a Safe inside it.
Now how do you know if there’s a player inside?
Here’s some thing’s you can do:
Throw a K-58 first inside the room then if the grenade made the enemy visible then you can Throw a GHO grenade or the devastating Mk-2 Frag grenade to Severely injure them or to finish them off.

The second Rat area that I’m Aware of is these stack of Boxes that connects to the White wolves Area’s Stairs.
Now how do you counter this one?
I recommend going to left set-up Area Entrance to flank them but if that doesn’t work out I suggest a GHO grenade and Throw it on that Area and go and finish them yourself to stop them from holding that Area. If there’s another enemy in that area then I recommend smoking the Area with a Smoke grenade after you throw your GHO to get close to the enemy or getting one of your buddy teammates to deal with them personally.

Now speaking of stairs we will now go to…
The Stairs that Connect the White Wolves Area
This Area is a very tricky one to deal with since your enemies are up the stairs and there might be another enemy hiding behind those boxes shown in the first picture and you’re limited on throwing your grenades because of the inevitable moment of getting headshotted but unless you’re on the Second floor you’re good to go.
Now how do you counter these players on the box and on the stairs?
For the 1st floor if you’re stuck in there You’d first want to throw a K-58 on the Entrance of the Stairs just in case of a player is hiding behind those boxes, Second after confirming that there’s no one in the boxes or you killed them you’d want to throw a Mk-14 or GHO on top but beware you might get headshotted in the process, I recommend cooking your grenade then throwing up the stairs.
For the 2nd floor you’d want to throw a GHO, Mk-2 or a t-13 up the stairs to deal with your enemies it’s far easier than the 1st floor but do not underestimate your enemies they might rush at you after you throw a grenade or shoot you if you try to throw a grenade into the stairs.

Going up the Stairs we’re now going up to the…
White Wolves Area
This is a Very famous Area for shooting down bosses or players over central so you’d expect a lot of people ratting in the Area now, here’s an Overview of the Area, the Red circle is where your enemies would rat.

The Electrical Room
This is where all the weapons cases are stored and a strong hold for ratting. Anyways beware of the corners especially the box or else you’ll be cooked.
Now how do you get rid of someone ratting there?
Throw a K-58 on the Entrance, the blast radius is enough to give enemy position and you can rush them because of the limited amount of cover they have or play it safe just by throwing GHO’s or Mk-2’s inside the room

After leaving Electrical room were heading to the Recording room, this is an Area where it connects the white wolves Area to the library room and the Manager’s office or Director’s office.
Outside the Recording Room
On the Exit or entrance depending where you are you’ll see some Boxes behind the Recording room, this Area can be used to rat the first floor and the door on Recording,
How to know and get rid of the rat?
Simply throw a K-58 along with a Mk-2 or T-13 or just go there and finish him off to save Grenades.

Recording Room
Now this room is good for hising so how do you get rid of someone hiding there?
Simply throw a k-58 after that you can throw a GHO since there’s cover where the mk-2 won’t be able to damage your enemy.

Exiting the room we’re now going for the stairs and the yellow case, this one is a bit easy. Just throw a GHO, mk-2 or t-13 or just conventionally kill the player that’s ratting on the case or stairs.

Reading Room
Here’s an overview of it.

First off the stairs.
If you’re going to library on the 1st or 2nd floor I recommend to check the stairs first because of the rats on there.
How to deal with them?
You’d want to conventionally kill them with your gun but if they’re well armored I recommend using a Mk-2 or GHO or T-13.

Now after that’s done we’re now gonna enter the…
This one is a Hassle to get in just by the amount of cover and where your enemies are and the big Area will probably not help your grenades, as you can see there’s a lot of areas to rat. Mainly the 3rd floor of the area and those weapon boxes and behind the stairs
Now how do you get rid of these rats on the room?
I recommend going for the bottom Stairs that leads up to the Room and throw a GHO or mk-2 on the 3rd floor of that room and throw a mk-2 or a GHO on the 4th pick of the Area, if you can’t do that I suggest you and your teammates make a distraction so three or one of you can get inside and finish them
We’re now leaving the Reading room now we’re going to the Director’s office.

This one is a famous area for fighting and ratting so there’s a lot of areas to rat here now let’s get into it.
First off is this area, players would be on the very corner here waiting for you to run into them. I recommend dropping a k-58 there so they can make some noise and you can kill them conventionally.

Second, it’s this destroyed room, you can get caught off guard by it but it’s pretty easy to deal with but watch out for the door because there might be someone lurking there.
I recommend just opening the door and conventionally kill them with your gun.

The Office
This area is a hassle to get inside because of someone hiding on that counter but if you how to deal with the enemies on it then you’re good.
How to get rid of the rats?
Simply throw a k-58 then follow it up with a GHO or Mk-2 but beware there might be enemies defending the other guy on the 2nd entrance of the office so I recommend you to tell your battle buddy to cover you while you deal with the enemy.

Director’s Office
Do not rush in first because there might be enemies on the corner or the table, here are the spots.
How do you deal with them?
I recommend throwing either a T-13, GHO or mk-2 to deal with them or if. there’s two of them hiding I recommend throwing a k-58 then after that throw your GHO’s until one of them dies or is severely injured.

Now exiting director we’re going to the other side but beware of this area because it has access to the alternative pathway, elevator and your exit on director’s office to the next office.
How to get rid of the rat on it?
I recommend telling one of your buddies to make a distraction and you go and flank them from that area to ensure your exit.

Other than this area there’s also this little small area on director so be sure to check one of the windows or else you and your squadmates are toasted.
How to get rid of the rat on that area?
I recommend throwing a GHO on that area to get rid of the rat.

Exiting director now we’re going to the alternative passage, this area is tricky but manageable, I recommend checking one of these tunnels that leads to the extract for rats.
Now how do you safely advance this area without getting ratted out?
Simply throw a k-58 on either entrances then after that throw a GHO to deal with the rats with cover or the Mk-2 to get rid of their armor or to severely damage them.

We’re now entering General office here’s an overview of it.

Now we’re in or outside…
General’s Area
On the very far area there’s these two places where rats are gonna be sitting.
Now how to get rid of the rat?
I recommend throwing a mk-2 or GHO on either one of them depending if you’re inside or outside General office.

Now on the entrance of General’s office.
Some rats will be on the plants so how do you get rid of them?
Simply throw a GHO or K-58 to conventionally kill them with your gun but if there’s two I recommend throwing a GHO or Mk-2.

Let’s not forget this one area on the passage way there might someone waiting inside so how to get rid of them?
Just throw a mk-2 on the counter or over the billiard table or a GHO.

Outside the gen office we’re now heading to infirmary but wait there’s a rat area but this one’s exposed and easy to handle, how to get rid of them?
Simply flank them and jill them conventionally on the either side whether you’re located on General or infirmary.

The entrance of infirmary has another rat area.
This can be avoided just by throwing a GHO or mk-2 on that area or flanking them on the other side.

Inside the infirmary there’s two areas you can get ratted with this can be avoided just by throwing a K-58 and following it up with a grenade of your choice either the mk-2 t-13 or GHO.

Now on the area where it connects to loading dock, on the first image there’s two boxes that can be used as cover for the rat to kill whoever opens the door on the loading dock.
And the second area is shows where another rat spot is…
How to get rid of both of them?
I recommend going down on Loading and going to central and up infirmary to kill the first rat then to kill the Second rat or you can throw a smoke grenade and rush in to kill the first rat then tell your buddy get in to deal with the 2nd one on the boxes that’s covering him or simply throw some GHO’s to end him.

Making our Way down town we’re now going to the first floor and…
The Warehouse
This is the overview of it’s rat areas.

First off this Area, this one is very easy to counter, to counter this you simply throw a GHO or mk-2 to get rid of the rat.

Second Area is the room, this Area is good for holding the Warehouse Area because of its elevation and good amount of cover.
If someone is holding this Area, I recommend throwing a Mk-2 Grenade onto the windows to swiftly kill them with ease.

Now we’re going down the path to the 1st floor.
The rat areas here are the extract and the very corner of the extract, beware of this Area.
I recommend throwing k-58’s under and the onto the extract to not get ratted out when extracting, there’s also this small room on the extract I also recommend throwing a grenade to know if someone’s there.

On the first picture you’ll see a Room thats also a rat for those who enter the Area and those who try to go under it.
How to get rid of the rat on that room?
Since you can’t throw a grenade inside that you’d want to rush on there and get close to throw a GHO grenade.
After that’s cleared there’s also this Area on the second picture where I’m sitting at, to get rid of the rat there.
First throw a k-58 to make create some noise and kill them with your gun or throw a GHO if you want to kill it safe.

Outside the Warehouse there’s the entrance of the central Area and the path to the white wolves Area, this Area is easy to counter.
Just throw a GHO or k-58 on the pathway or the entrance and kill them conventionally with your gun.
Entering central we got this room, pretty standard but it’s still a ratting room since it’s connected to the planning room to which you can be ratted out.
How to get rid or know if someone’s there?
Simply throw a k-58 and simply rush in with gun’s blazing if someone’s there.

Leaving the Warehouse we’re now going to West South of TV station. This is the overview of the map.

First off the infirmary.
This a rat area too no other words to say.
How to deal with the rat inside it?
Just by throwing GHO’s or K-58 and rush them by inside to kill them.

Next up is these Rooms on the Logistics, these Room are prone to ratting depending whether someone goes down and went to Warehouse or to loot logistics area, how to get rid of someone inside these rooms?
I recommend GHO’s and Mk-2’s for these rooms since they’re so small.

Next up the stairs
This one can be easily counter if there are any rats with the GHO, t-13 or the Mk-2’s.

The Parking Lot
This one is also a rat spot but not that relevant since no one comes here but here’s what you can do to those who rat here.
Throw a K-58 to know if someone is in there, after knowing there’s an enemy you can go to the other door from the outside and flank them or just rush in after you the k-58.

There’s also this Area where rats wait for someone to pull the lever and rat them out.
I recommend throwing a K-58 inside and conventionally kill them easily or throw a Mk-2 to be safe.

Inside logistics Area there’s another rat Area called the yellow room the enemy rat will climb one of those boxes.
How to get rid of the ratM
I recommend throwing mk-2 inside the yellow room to get them injure severely or kill them.

Rat spots on the Main entrance.
One of the tunnels can also act as a rat Area. To get rid of the rats in this Area. I recommend to go to 2nd floor and kill them up there if they don’t plan moving.

Now the main extract, I recommend throwing a – K-58 to know if someone is there then follow up with your gun or the Mk-2 or GHO grenade.

Now we’re heading to the office Area this is the overview of it.

There’s three rat areas here the first one is the 1st from the locked room this Area can be used by rats to sneak on someone who opened the locked room, to get rid of the rat inside the room.
Throw a K-58 to stun them and throw a GHO or MK-2 to get rid of them from the small room. There’s also the Vent Area you can easily take care of that.
Just by Throwing a k-58 to know where your enemy is and conventionally kill them with your gun.

There’s also another Stair Area where it connects the 1st floor of the office to the 2nd floor of the office. I recommend throwing a GHO or k-58 and conventionally killing them with your gun.

Exiting the Area we’re now heading.
Reading Room: Floor #1
This Area has a ratting Room here’s the room.
I recommend using a Mk-2 or GHO to get rid of the rat and the K-58 from behind the room and conventionally kill the rat.

Leaving this area we’re heading to our last areas the photograph Area and the interview area, here’s an overview of the spots.

First off the locked room and outside the locked room are infested by rats who try to get the safe inside the locked room, with this room.
I recommend using a GHO on the locked room then a mk-2 behind the locked room.

Exiting that room we’re entering this hallway, the boxes can be used cover for rats.
I recommend using a GHO to deal with these people.

Now entering the Interview room this room can be considered as a ratting Area.
Anyways there’s nothing special about this but rats like to hide behind those boxes on the side of the table.
I recommend throwing GHO grenades on it to get rid of the dude or throw a k-58 to stun them and rush to kill them while they’re stunned.

Now after that we’re going to photography Area this is where rats like to go but not to stay.
Anyway the first picture is the hallway you easily dispatch them just by throwing a k-58 on the entrance to know if there’s anyone waiting then throwing a GHO throw the hallway if you found someone 2nd and 3rd image are the Safe areas this is where you’d probably expect where the rats are anyway to dispatch them you’d want to throw a mk-2 inside the trailer where the safe is or throw a bunch of GHO’s to kill them from the inside out.

Last Area is the room next to the safe.
To get rid of the people from inside the area you’d want to use GHO’s inside the area to blow them up or throw K-58’s and rush them while they’re stunned.

Some grenades that I forgot to add on the list.
The M18 and SG30 Smoke grenades are good grenades to rush into the rat’s place if you’re out of Offensive grenades.
With smoke grenades you can rush in with the enemy’s delayed response to your attack. There’s also some cons with smoke grenades.
After smoking the area you’ll be at risk of not knowing your enemy’s position because they might reposition and you might just rush into the wrong place where the enemy was and get killed.
There’s also the risk of enemies using molotov’s kr any tactical throwable to slow down your rush so keep that in mind that they designed this grenade to rush in due time.

There’s also the GLI-F4 Tear gas grenade
This can be used to get rid of the rats on a area or to be used as a defensive grenade if you’re trying to cover your position.
There’s no cons about this grenade but the only con you have to worry is an enemy that’s gonna rush through the gas or an enemy with a gas mask.

Some places that I found…
Reading room
You can be ratted after you try to leave the area or you try to go to reading from the manager’s office.
Best advice for you is to check the corner or throw a K-58 and follow it up with your gun shots or a Mk-2,t-13 or a GHO your choice.

General Office
In this place you can be ratted after you enter the Room.
Best advice for you is check this corner if you enter from the infirmary and shoot if there’s someone there or just throw a GHO mk-2 or T-13 to eliminate the rat that’s hiding there.

Another advice for you people
To detect the rat if he’s sneaking behind you or sneaking is to Use Airpods,Earphones, or headsets irl because you can use the ability of your ears known as hearing to Known if the Rat is sneaking on you or if the rat is in one of it’s habits/Locations.
Also to increase your Awareness in the battlefield or Raid I recommend picking up these headsets:
The Commander A Tactical headset
It is one of the best at doing it’s job and at a cheap price at that for only 7k-10k koens from Randall you can enhance your awareness with this headset and with the strong noise reduction it can reduce the tinnitus effect from a grenade.

Another good headset is the…
GS2 Tactical headset
It is also one of the best headset to Know where Rats are because of it’s very strong sound pickup you can hear where Rats are in a distance, you can also hear Rats that are doing a Trick known as Silent walking.

But the Range is limited since you can’t hear someone Silent walking in at least maybe 9m (shout out to the footstep guide. ) to the meaning you can still get sneak upon in a distance because of Silent walking, so better watch your backs and Corners.
If you can’t afford one of these Headsets then the…
ZO38 Tactical headset
Is good for your budget. Similar to the commander A tactical but with medium noise reduction.

Can’t afford all these?
Buy the SH12 Helmet. This is the best cheap option helmet similar to the Zo38 and commander it’s good for your budget and good for detecting Rats.

Returning back to photography area we have the bathrooms these can be used as places where rats can rat or heal up.
I suggest throwing stun grenades first then throwing lethal grenades inside it.