Assassin’s Creed Shadows: Should you confront Otama or Wakasa?
After Naoe successfully infiltrates the wealthy merchants running the Teppo trade in the port city of Sakai in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, she tracks her ultimate target down to two potential perpetrators: Otama and Wakasa.
The trouble is, there’s evidence stacking up pointing to both of them – either one could have done it. Plus, the stakes couldn’t be higher. The wrong choice would not only cede the upper hand to a dangerous and calculating foe, but catch an innocent person up in the bloodshed.
However, in the conversations you’ve had with both Otama and Wakasa so far, there are a few key details which do genuinely allow you to work out who to confront; so let’s work it out.
Should you confront Otama or Wakasa in Assassin’s Creed Shadows?
You now need to make a decision of whether to confront Otama or Wakasa. So let’s look at the evidence:
- Otama is obviously condescending and callous, but does that make her a murderer?
- She gifted Imai a foreboding mask, similar to those worn by the Golden Teppo and her associates, the Onryo – surely this is a decisive clue?
- However, Otama’s family are key players in the Sakai area and her family has been entwined with the Imais for a long time – does this fit with the shadowy organization who killed your father and have recently arrived on the scene to seize power?
But if we consider the evidence for Wakasa on the other hand:
- Wakasa is ambitious and driven, likely to the point of ruthlessness which would suit her well in the Onryo
- Plus, she is new on the scene in Sakai, which fits with the profile of a roving group of power-hungry kingmakers
- Furthermore, she seems to have ties to both Osaka and the former Shogun, particularly given her lavish and intimate gift to Imai – this suggests she has powerful connections who got her invited to such an event so soon
- Finally, when you spoke to her, she remarked that she liked the golden trim of your Kosade. As we know, golden trim is a favourite of the so-called Golden Teppo
With this, you can deduce that you need to confront Wakasa. After you confront her, the scene will change and the next step of the quest will be revealed.
In Wakasa’s house, go around the corner and pick up her rifle from the rack on the wall. Backed into a corner, the Golden Teppo begs to trade anything for her life.
While your lust for revenge boils, instead, truly honour your father’s wish and push for information on the stolen box. Either way, the resolution is the same and you receive the Shinobi’s Fury Tanto, pirate’s flag decoration, vulnerable after weakpoint attack engraving, money and XP.
What happens if you confront Otama?
If you’re a completionist, you might be wondering what happens if you choose the “wrong” answer.
It’s not actually too different. After chasing an incredulous Otama through the streets of Sakai, you receive an incriminating letter which points you to Wakasa anyway. Then you make your way to her house and the quest plays out the same way from there.