Atomfall endings guide
Each of Atomfall’s six endings has an associated NPC that will promise you escape, and which NPC you ultimately choose to side with is up to you and your experiences with them; which of them do you trust, and who do you think has ulterior motives?
If, however, you’d instead rather know what you’re getting yourself in for first – or want to try and experience every ending in post-apocalyptic Britain – here’s how to do just that. Here’s your guide to every Atomfall ending.
While I’ve chosen not to fully detail how each ending plays out, and what it insinuates for Atomfall’s story, there are still some major story spoilers ahead.
Atomfall endings guide
Atomfall’s six endings all come about by you choosing to help and escape with different NPCs. It’s possible to complete multiple of the below quest routes simultaneously, but when it comes to the very end of the game – when it’s time to try and escape this mess – you’ll only be able to escape with one person.
It’s also worth noting that all endings ultimately require you to have acquired five Atomic Batteries and fully restored power to the Interchange. You cannot access the Oberon Dig Site – where your most critical choices are made – until this is done.
The Voice on the Telephone ending
That ominous voice on the telephone, who regularly contacts you using Atomfall’s red phone boxes, is the first NPC you’ll encounter who promises you an escape. All that they request of you is that you restore power to the Interchange using five Atomic Batteries, and then ensure all major doors inside the Interchange – leading to and from each region – are opened.
The telephone then also tasks you with destroying the mysterious Oberon at the very end of the game, and will try to put you off working with any other NPCs. To ensure Oberon is destroyed, you must either burn it or poison it using Dr. Holder’s Sample One in the Oberon Dig Site at the very end of the game.
When that’s done, you then need to return to the Bunker where you first woke up in Atomfall to pick up the phone one last time.
So, to summarise how to achieve the Voice on the Telephone’s ‘Do you require the Operator?’ ending:
- Restore power to the Interchange using five Atomic Batteries.
- Open all major doors inside the Interchange – leading to and from each region.
- Destroy Oberon using either fire or Dr Holder’s poisonous Sample One.
- Return to the Bunker where you started the game.

Captain Sims ending
I don’t know about you, but I’m not the biggest fan of the Protocol in Atomfall. That said, Captain Sims does put his trust in you and promises to help you escape, provided you help him out.
First things first, Captain Sims will task you with bringing him information about any funny goings-on in Wyndham Village. This is when you can choose to tell him about the murder in the church, or that Iris the baker’s husband needs looking into.
By essentially snitching on one of the townsfolk, Captain Sims is then more than happy to enlist you as an interrogator, then sending you to Skethermoor Prison to extract some information from a locked-up Dr Garrow.
If you go to the prison and speak to Dr Garrow, she’ll eventually tell you about the strange device she was using – the Signal Redirector – which you will find in the prison’s Security section. You can then take this information back to Captain Sims, who’ll be more than pleased. That said, if you wish to continue Dr Garrow’s quest, you can use the strange device to free her from her cell here.
Captain Sims will have his suspicions that you were something to do with Dr Garrow’s prison break, but you can be evasive and pragmatic with your dialogue choices to earn his favour again. Captain Sims will then request that you go to the Speaking Cave in Casterfell Woods to retrieve a Protocol Radio Part for him. With that done, your only job left is to destroy Oberon at the very end of the game and return to Captain Sims at the Village Hall, where a note will tell you to find him in Skethermoor.
To summarise how to achieve Captain Sims’ ‘Operation Atomfall’ ending:
- Snitch on one of the townsfolk to Captain Sims.
- Extract information from Dr Garrow at Skethermoor Prison and return it to Captain Sims.
- Get the Protocol Radio Part from the Speaking Cave in Casterfell Woods.
- Destroy Oberon.
- Find Captain Sims in Skethermoor.

Dr Garrow ending
To kick off Dr Garrow’s ending in Atomfall, you’ll first need to free her from Skethermoor Prison. You can do this by stealthily breaking in, or by first befriending Captain Sims, who’ll give you a pass to enter the area without soldiers becoming hostile towards you.
Inside the prison, speak to Dr Garrow in her cell in the Loading Bay, then retrieve the Signal Redirector from the Security section. You will then need to use the device to access the Control Room and open the cells. After freeing the inmates, soldiers will become hostile, so flee quickly. You’ll next find Dr Garrows inside of the Central Processor in the Interchange.
It’s also worth noting before we continue that if you are advancing Dr Holder’s quest, do not tell him where Dr Garrow is located at any point. He might seem to mean well, but let’s just say that Dr Holder will very quickly put an end to Dr Garrow’s quest if you let the two meet each other again.
Speak to Dr Garrow here and she will task you with going to the Lower Level of Robotics to collect her research notes, giving you a Keycard to access the area. Down here, you’ll need to stealthily avoid some robots while grabbing the notes, and can quickly return to Dr Garrow once its done.
Up next, Dr Garrow will have you doing even more legwork for her. This time, she gives you a Keycard to access the Dam Data Store in Casterfell Woods, and asks that you run the GEN ERA command on the console there. You will need the Signal Redirector again in this building to restore power to the console that the command needs to be run on.
If you’ve met Joyce Tanner, she will also radio you while inside the Dam Data Store, asking you to run the GEN MOVE command instead. You will be locked out of the quest of whoever’s command you do not run, so if you wish to complete both quests, be sure to save here.
With all of that done, return to Dr Garrow once more, who then asks you to extract a sample of Oberon before destroying it. To do this, you’ll need to find and place two Atomic Batteries in the Oberon Dig Site at the very end of the game, then use the Sample Extractor Lever in the Control Room – and retrieve said sample – before destroying Oberon.
With the sample in hand, you can then find Dr Garrow in the Robotics Lower Level, where you retrieved her research notes.
To summarise how to achieve Dr Garrow’s ‘Back Door’ ending:
- Free Dr Garrow from Skethermoor Prison using the Signal Redirector.
- Collect Dr Garrow’s research notes from Robotics Lower Level.
- Run the GEN ERA command at the Dam Data Store.
- Extract a sample of Oberon from the Oberon Dig Site before destroying it.
- Return to Dr Garrows, who is now found in Robotics Lower Level.

Joyce Tanner ending
You will likely first meet Joyce Tanner after restoring power to Data Store Charlie inside of the Interchange in Atomfall, unless you meet her at her bunker in Casterfell Woods prior. In Data Store Charlie, however, there’ll be an audio log telling you to come find her, where she’ll talk your ear off about some radio towers needing power so she can send a message past the interference field.
You’ll then need to go seek out these three Radio Towers – found in Slatten Dale, Casterfell Woods, and Skethermoor respectively – and restore power to them. If you need help with that, here’s our guide on how to power Tanner’s Radio Towers.
Following this, Joyce will then request that you bring her back a sample of Oberon before destroying it – which you can do by using two Atomic Batteries to power the Sample Extractor inside of Oberon Dig Site at the very end of the game. After that, you can then use the Sample Extractor lever in the Control Room, retrieve said sample, and destroy Oberon. By doing so, she promises to help you escape.
Now, there’s another part to Joyce Tanner’s quest that only comes about if you choose to advance Dr Garrow’s quest simultaneously. This is when Dr Garrow tasks the player with going to the Dam Data Store in Casterfell Woods to run the ‘GEN ERA’ command, retrieving some data for her.
Now, if you go and do this for Dr Garrow, you will receive a radio message from Joyce Tanner while inside the Dam Data Store. Last minute, she’ll ask you to run the ‘GEN MOVE’ command instead of Dr Garrow’s ‘GEN ERA’ command, effectively wiping all data from the console. Your decision here will lock you out of the quest of whoever’s command you do not choose, so it’s worth saving here if you wish to come back later and achieve both endings.
After all of that, and successfully destroying Oberon, you can find Joyce Tanner waiting on an evacuation in Casterfell Woods.
So, to summarise how to achieve Joyce Tanner’s ‘Emergency Extraction’ ending:
- Restore power to the three Radio Towers.
- Run the ‘GEN MOVE’ command in the Dam Data Store if requested.
- Extract a sample of Oberon from the Oberon Dig Site before destroying it.
- Find Joyce Tanner in Casterfell Woods to escape.

Dr Holder ending
Dr Holder’s ending in Atomfall is probably one of the easier endings to achieve, as he doesn’t task us with all that much. That said, he’s also one of the easier NPCs to miss if you don’t find the key to the cellar beneath St. Katherine’s Church in Wyndham Village.
First things first, retrieve the Church Cellar Key from the first floor of Medical. Here’s where to find the Church Cellar Key if you need some pointers.
Then use the key to open the Forgotten Cellar beneath St. Katherine’s Church, where you’ll find an infected Dr Holder and his secret lab. After a chinwag about the state of things, Dr Holder will ask you to go and retrieve Sample One from the Lower Level of Medical, giving you his Keycard to gain access to the area.
You will then find Sample One on the medical table in the auditorium. Return to Dr Holder, who’ll take the sample – intending to add poison to it – and then asks you to free Dr Garrow from Skethermoor Prison. After freeing her, go and find her in the Central Processor of the Interchange and have a chat.
After this, return to Dr Holder, and save your game. Trust me! You can now tell Dr Holder where Dr Garrow is, and he says he’ll meet you there. Go back to the Central Processor, and you’ll soon see why I told you to save. Dr Holder will shoot Dr Garrow, killing her. You can then talk to him to receive Dr Holder’s – now poisoned – Sample One back. He then tasks you with using the item to destroy Oberon for good, and will help you escape in turn.
To do this, input Sample One into the Fire Safety Fluid Intake terminal in the Oberon Dig Site at the very end of the game, and then use the Fire Safety lever in the Control Room. This then successfully poisons and destroys Oberon, and Dr Holder will then tell you to go and meet him in the Medical Tunnels to escape.
So, to summarise how to achieve Dr Holder’s ‘Oubliette’ ending:
- Find the Church Cellar Key and meet Dr Holder in the Forgotten Cellar.
- Retrieve Sample One from Medical Lower Level.
- Free Dr Garrow from Skethermoor Prison and speak to her in the Central Processor.
- Tell Dr Holder where Dr Garrow is, then return to the Central Processor.
- Destroy Oberon using Sample One – put the sample inside the Fire Safety Fluid Intake Valve at Oberon Dig Site, and then use the Fire Safety Lever in the Control Room.
- Meet Dr Holder in the Medical Tunnels.

Mother Jago ending
Ah, the mysterious Mother Jago. From your first meeting with her in Atomfall, it’s plain as day that something isn’t quite right with her, and she probably shouldn’t be trusted. Though, that no doubt makes you all the more curious about her ending, right?
First things first, I highly recommend retrieving the Church Cellar Key and meeting Dr Holder – mentioned above – as Dr Holder gives us a Keycard that grants us access to the Medical Tunnels. We need to go there as part of Mother Jago’s quest, so might as well get that out of the way!
With Dr Holder’s Keycard to hand, go and meet Mother Jago in the north of Casterfell Woods – beside The Old Mine. She’ll request that you retrieve her book from the Druid’s Camp, where you’ll also find a Strange Tonic Recipe – you will need this recipe for the end-game, so make sure to grab it and some crafting materials needed for the tonic.
In the Druid’s Camp, look for the side entrance to their castle that has two blue torches illuminating it. Enter here and go through to the end of the cave network to find Mother Jago’s Book on a table, with the Strange Tonic Recipe on another table nearby.
Return back to Mother Jago and give her the book, and she will then give you an Effigy, requesting that you offer it at the Speaking Cave. She also gives you a pass to enter this area without any of the Druids becoming hostile, so head on over there and do that. After a rather trippy conversation with some skulls, speak to Mother Jago – now outside of the Speaking Cave – and she will ask you to get the Growth Stimulant from the Medical Tunnels.
Now, this is where Dr Holder’s Keycard comes in handy. You can use this to access the Medical Lower Level and reach the Medical Tunnels, which are just past the auditorium (where you collect Sample One for Dr Holder’s ending). At the very end of the Medical Tunnels, you’ll be able to grab the Growth Stimulant, which looks a lot like an Atomic Battery.
Inform Mother Jago that you found the item, and she will then say that you need to feed it to Oberon.
Once you’re in Oberon Dig Site at the very end of the game, you’ll need to place the Growth Stimulant in the Fire Safety Fluid Intake terminal, and then use the Fire Safety lever in the Control Room. You can then go back through Windscale Plant, where you’ll hear a voice telling you to go to the Druid’s Castle Ruins in Casterfell Woods again.
Use the same side entrance as earlier, and you’ll find Mother Jago beside the glowing blue pit. Jump into the pit to begin your ‘escape’, though you can briefly talk to Mother Jago first if you fancy.
So, to summarise how to achieve Mother Jago’s ‘At one with the Soil’ ending:
- Get Dr Holder’s Keycard for later access to the Medical Tunnels.
- Speak to Mother Jago, and retrieve her book/Strange Tonic Recipe from the Druid’s Castle Ruins.
- Return the book to Jago, and then offer the Effigy she gives you to the altar of the Speaking Cave.
- Speak to Jago again, and then retrieve the Growth Stimulant from the Medical Tunnels.
- Feed the Growth Stimulant to Oberon at the Oberon Dig Site using the Fire Safety Fluid Intake terminal (and Fire Safety Lever in the Control Room).
- Return to the Druid’s Castle Ruins and jump into the hole.
That’s it for all of Atomfall’s endings. For more on the survival-action game, take a look at where to use the Concrete Shelter Key, how to access Datlow Hall Conservatory, and some combat tips to help you throughout the game.