Brace Yourself: One Of The Worst Games Of All Time Is Coming To Steam Soon
There’s no shortage of bad video games, but amongst such infamous titles as Rogue Warrior and Metal Gear Survive, Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing is a special case–one that Steam users might soon discover, to their horror. Spotted on SteamDB (via VGC), a listing for the janky 2003 racing game has gone live alongside a Q2 2025 release date. A Steam page is also up for the game, and judging by the screenshots, it looks like this could be a straight port.
“Get ready for some brake-jamm’in, CB-talk’in, convey-roll’in action across America! From Portland Oregon to Miami Florida, you’ll be hauling loads and trying to stay one step ahead of the law as you climb into your Big Rig for non-stop driving action,” the description on the listing–which was also on the original physical box–reads. If you can remember it, then you’ve probably just unlocked some buried memories revolving around well-intentioned grandparents, a quick Walmart purchase, and the worst birthday gift you ever received.
1 out of 10: The Worst Games Ever Reviewed on GameSpot
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On GameSpot’s sister site Metacritic, Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing has the dubious distinction of being one of the lowest-rated games of all time–a mere single-digit score–and it is one of only five games to ever receive a 1/10 score on GameSpot. In case you’re wondering, the other games are Ride to Hell: Retribution, Air Control, Raven’s Cry, and Postal 4: No Regerts.
“Big Rigs is a game so astoundingly bad that it manages to transcend nearly every boundary put forth by some of gaming’s absolute worst of the worst and easily makes it into that dubiously extraordinary category of being one of the most atrocious games ever published,” Alex Navarro wrote in GameSpot’s Big Rig: Over the Road Racing review.