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I am deeply enamoured by Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s intricate and ridiculous fashion design
Some extremely fresh vintage workwear that I bought for entirely practical reasons aside, I’m not exactly a fashion person. I have nobody to impress most days but my cat, and the…
Only toilets will save you from the monsters in Labyrinth of Wild Abyss
From developers Cannibal Interactive, the creators of Purgatory Dungeoneer, springs forth a new labyrinth game. This one is called Labyrinth of Wild Abyss: LayeRedux and it has…
DayZ creator reveals a “Kerbal Space Program killer” with kittens and challenges license…
Stationeers and Icarus developers RocketWerkz are making a spiritual successor to beloved space sim Kerbal Space Program, which is currently titled "Kitten Space Agency" in a…
The trick to Dragon Age’s lore is that the lore is lying, says original…
Part of the fun of Dragon Age's fantasy is that it's inconsistent - or at least, inconsistent by the standards of fantasy RPGs, which often break down into a million neatly…
Nightingale can’t outfly “the stark realities of the industry” as creators…
Inflexion Games are closing their UK office, laying off staff and restructuring their main Canadian studio after failing to find commercial success with their Victorian fantasy…
Dragon Age: The Veilguard releases today, and players are celebrating the famous ‘Bioware Turn’
Almost ten years after Inquistion offered up a thrilling herb-harvesting adventure, today sees the release of Dragon Age: Veilguard. I’ve popped the release times below. The…
Zero Orders Tactics is a clever turn-based god sim with a touch of From Dust
Classic god sims like Populous and Black & White teach that deities love to reach their horrible holy hands into our world and mess with us directly. They teach us to see…
Hello Rockstar, please make an open world based on my unplayable Xbox edition of Red Dead Redemption
I never completed the original Red Dead Redemption, but not for the usual reasons of being terrible at the game, or thinking that open worlds are too big and boring these…
In strategy game Sintopia you harvest a whole civilisation’s souls for your own custom-built…
One of my favourite satires is the Screwtape Letters, an epistolary novel by Narnia scribe C.S. Lewis. It consists of messages from an oily elder demon to his nephew about how to…
We’ve temporarily closed comments for maintenance, but they’ll be back
Hark! Comments have been temporarily turned off on Rock Paper Shotgun. We and all of our sibling websites are moving to a new commenting platform and the existing comments need to…