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DC boss James Gunn says he is “totally okay” with R-rated DC projects


Many people still associate superheroes with fairly child-friendly adventures, but that doesn’t have to be the case. On the contrary, extremely violent phenomena such as Deadpool, The Boys and Peacemaker have done really well and become huge successes.

The latter, by the way, was created by DC boss James Gunn, who is certainly known for excessive violence where needed, like in 2021’s The Suicide Squad. Apparently, this is something he intends to continue with, and in an interview with Collider he says that there will be no general age limits in the DCU:

“We’re not about that. We’re not about ‘See how it does.’ We’ve got one opportunity to take these characters and really press forward and do what we believe. I am a great believer that if we tell good, authentic stories, if a movie does well or doesn’t do as well, if you keep with that same philosophy, that you’re going to build a universe that people are going to love and want to be a part of for a long time.”

He goes on to explicitly say that he has no problem with the R-rating if that’s what the narrative of any given DC hero requires:

“It’s not about testing out to see if this thing works. It’s just about telling a story. If a story is going to be R-rated, we’re totally okay with that. If it’s going to be PG, PG-13, or G, I don’t care – whatever is worthy of the story, that’s what we’re going to do.”

We take it for granted that Peacemaker: Season 2 will be R-rated, but it also seems justified that the upcoming movies based on Swamp Thing and/or The Authority will get the highest age rating as well. We guess this is something that will be appreciated by the fans, or what do you say?

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