Final Fantasy 14’s patch 7.2 due end of March with even more Final Fantasy 9 references
Final Fantasy 14’s next patch, 7.2, will be called Seekers of Eternity and will be released at the end of March.
The news was shared as part of the latest Letter from the Producer livestream, along with artwork for the patch.
It will feature a new character, though her identity has been left a mystery for now beyond featuring in the new artwork.
As with previous patch 7.1 released in November (Crossroads), Seekers of Eternity will continue the main story after the events of Dawntrail. Eventually these will lead to the presumed next expansion.
As part of that story continuation, a new dungeon will be included in this patch called The Underkeep, which – like the story of Dawntrail – appears to take clear inspiration from Final Fantasy 9’s Alexandria. A new Trial called Recollection against a Beatrix-esque cyborg will also be added.

Other additions in this patch include more Hildibrand Adventures, new Cornservant side quests, new Allied Society quests with the Mamool Ja, and a return of the PvP mode Frontline (Secure). The Arcadion will also continue with the Cruiserweight tier, while the Duty Support system will be extended to The Sunken Temple of Qarn.
Further, we’ve finally received further details on the forthcoming Cosmic Exploration mode.
This new activity is designed for crafters and gatherers as players explore stars, with new stars added in each major patch of the 7.x series. Players will “nurture the development of planets by completing missions and events as a community”, including building a base of operations.
Not much more is known yet, though more details will follow in the next livestream. It’s clearly meant as a mirror to the Island Sanctuary farming mode from the previous expansion, with a bucolic setting swapped for a sci-fi aesthetic and a new experience aimed more at communal play than solo play.

Another addition will be the Occult Crescent field operation, an island shrouded in mystery where players can explore its unmapped terrain and battle against its inhabitants. Players will join forces in small skirmishes against monsters, as well as larger boss battles, with this area also providing a new method of weapon enhancement.
To enter the Occult Crescent players must be level 100, but interestingly it’s introducing Phantom Jobs: essentially a secondary Job with additional support actions and traits. These Phantom Jobs include Monk, Bard, Geomancer, Ranger, Berserker, Time Mage, Chemist, and Cannoneer. These will be familiar to Final Fantasy 5 players and its Job system, and while the team wants to implement new Jobs in the next expansion, these Phantom Jobs allowed them to introduce Jobs that may not fit with the game otherwise.

Final Fantasy 14 players can receive a discount on 30 days access to Final Fantasy 11, in celebration of the Echoes of Vana’diel raid series introduced in the last patch.
Lastly, director and producer Naoki Yoshida acknowledged a recent letter concerning a third-party tool used to reveal Player IDs against a player’s will. Counter-measures against this will be implemented in Patch 7.2 and onwards.