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How To Upgrade Palworld Schematics To Better Rarities


The latest Palworld update v0.5.0 added several new features to the game, and it finally lets you make use of all the schematics duplicates you find in the game. Here we’ll walk you through the steps needed to use those old Palworld schematics as upgrades for better rarities.

Palworld’s schematic upgrades explained

Palworld’s schematics can help you craft better weapons and gear, but the really helpful high-rarity schematics are often difficult to obtain. Like the name suggests, those high-rarity schematics are indeed very rare.

Instead, you probably have tons of low-level schematics stored away in your game because they feel useless. Now, the latest update lets you use those duplicates to craft higher-rarity versions.

To upgrade to better schematics, you’ll first need to craft the game’s new Drafting Table item.

How to unlock and build the new Drafting Table item

Drafting Table unlock

The Drafting Table is a new item in the game. It can be unlocked at level 45 for the cost of four Ancient Technology points.

This works much like other crafting items. At your base, open the action wheel for building and highlight the Production tab.

To build, you’ll need the following materials:

  • 20 Refined Ingots
  • 100 Wood
  • 30 Charcoal

How to upgrade schematics with the Drafting Table

Once you’ve built your Drafting Table, you can then grab some of those unwanted low-level blueprints you’ve collected.

The Drafting Table is used to craft Rare, Epic, and Legendary rarity Schematics. Each schematic type can be crafted using five schematics of the previous rarity.

Yo upgrade, a Rare schematic requires five Uncommon schematics of the same item, an Epic schematic requires five Rare schematics, and legendary requires five Epic schematics. It’s important to note that you must have five of the same type of schematic to craft the upgraded version of that same schematic type. You can’t mix and match here.

For more on Palworld’s new features, make sure to check out our guides for transferring Pals to other worlds and changing your armor appearance.

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