Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Belladonna locations
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 belladonna locations are a bit of a pain to come by and seem largely based on luck – with a couple of handy exceptions. Finding the plant is essential if you want to make savior schnapps, which you do, since the drink is the only way to manually save the game outside of quitting. The general idea is that you can find belladonna in certain woodland clearings, but in our experience, it’s not as simple as that.
Our Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 belladonna guide points out where to find the valuable plant and what to do with it once you’ve got it.
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 belladonna locations
Several players have said that belladonna grows in woodland clearings, especially near points of interest, such as the lover’s spot outside Troskowitz. These spawn points seem random, though. I’ve checked clearings in Troskowitz and one or two outside Zhelejov where people posted photographic evidence of the plant growing there and found nothing myself.
The trouble with hunting it down in forest clearings is how difficult it is to spot belladonna. It’s a green, leafy plant, and the only features that distinguish it from most of the nondescript plants that grow everywhere are its berries. Belladonna has purple berries, which are tough to spot in forests, especially if the light is dim.
On the bright side, you can get several dozen belladonna from two fixed places that are comparatively easy to reach as soon as you have freedom to explore. The first is in the fields south of Troskowitz. Take the path through the woods and over the rise, and it spits you out at the back end of a large farmhouse. Head to the field shown on the map image below.

At the northern end of the field is a cluster of at least a dozen belladonna or more. Gathering it takes a little while, thanks to Kingdom Come Deliverance 2’s little gathering animation, but it’s worth the trouble.
The second fixed belladonna location is southwest of Zhelejov, at the nameless spring. You’ll find an herb basket there that contains over 20 belladonna stems and some herb paris as well.

What to do with belladonna in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
Our savior schnapps guide explains how to turn belladonna into your save potion, but before you get to that point, you’ll want to take some steps to preserve the plants. If you leave fresh herbs in your inventory for too long, they’ll spoil and become unusable – definitely not what you want when belladonna is so difficult to find.

Head to a drying rack after you pick belladonna, where you can dry the stems and preserve them for later use. Most settlements have at least one drying rack, and Troskowitz has several, though you may have to do a bit of sneaking to access some of them. Drying takes no time, so you can plunk however many stems you’ve got down and get them back dried instantly.
If you don’t want to find alternative methods of entry to reach that drying rack in particular, head over to our Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 lockpicking guide for tips on breaking and entering, and check out our KCD 2 treasure map guide for some tips on finding the best loot.