Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Opus Magnum quest guide
After ingratiating himself into Miller Kreyzl’s criminal enterprise in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, Henry is finally trusted enough to take on a truly important task in the Opus Magnum quest.
While you can technically complete this quest for cheap just by going to the location at the end and picking up the item you’ve been looking for, it’s not really in the spirit of a realistic RPG like Kingdom Come, so we’ll go through all the steps ‘as intended’.
But be aware, because your accomplice will need to look the part of a respectable maid, this quest can get expensive. Therefore you should probably complete some other side quests like Miri Fajta, the Hermit and The Jaunt where you can collect some items and groschen to build up a bit of a reserve.
Either way, after returning with a stable supply of saltpetre for Kreyzl, Henry is tasked with setting up a heist on Trosky Castle to steal an important alchemical book for the Miller.
This is where his interests align with Henry’s, because to get inside the castle, he’ll need to make inroads with Lord von Bergow and his Chamberlain, Ulric, at the marriage celebration of the young Lord Semine and the bailiff’s daughter.
Opus Magnum quest walkthrough
First, to gain the attention of the chamberlain Ulric, Henry will have to convince a local woman to serve as their accomplice. The Miller’s associate Bonnie, as you found out in the previous quest, is already known to the area as a bit of a scoundrel, so she won’t do.
However, Kreyzl is sure you’ll be able to convince one of the bathmaids at Zhelejov Inn with a pile of gold.
Make your way to the Wagoner’s Inn at Zhelejov and speak with the owner Dorothy. After a lengthy discussion, it emerges that none of the women are willing to go near the chamberlain under any circumstances and to find someone else.
But luckily they will turn you onto someone who can help: the maid Enneleyn of Wintherthur, who is currently staying at the Nomad’s Camp to the southwest.
At the Nomad camp, speak to Enneleyn and butter her up with kind words and the same offer of gold from the Miller. She’ll agree with some persuasion, but now the hard part begins. Before you can set off for the wedding, you need to procure a special dress, perfume, and some wine.
Where to get wine, a dress and perfume for the Opus Magnum quest
Wine is easy enough to get from a general store or can often be looted from bandits and the like during your adventure.
Mintha perfume on the other hand is much tougher to get your hands on. First, speak to Betty the innkeeper in Troskowitz and she’ll admit to buying up the town’s supply of perfume as her signature scent for the big day.
She’ll ask for a king’s ransom for the phial, but there are other ways of grabbing the perfume. If you’ve done some grinding and can pick medium locks, sneak into the pantry of the pub and creep upstairs. Here you find a locked chest next to a bed you can rifle through and steal the perfume.
However, if that’s beyond your abilities. Make your way over to the alchemist across the road in town. From him you can buy the recipe for Mintha perfume for much cheaper than the phial from Betty. It costs around 200 groschen, but with haggling you can easily get it for 10-25% less.
The recipe calls for 3 handfuls of mint, 1 of dandelion and 1 of marigold. All of these can be bought from the alchemist or taken for free from his herb garden outside. Next, go to the free alchemy bench at the top of the alchemist’s garden, next to the road, and brew your perfume.
First, pour in the wine base
Then grind 3 pinches of dandelion and 1 of mint into the same mortar bowl, then add them to the cauldron
Boil the cauldron on the fire for 2 turns of the sandglass
Next, add 1 marigold straight to the cauldron then press the bellows to boil for another turn of the sandglass
To complete the perfume, get a phial from the left-hand side of the cauldron then hold the button over the distillation equipment next to the phials
With that you will have a queenly potion fit for the finest wedding and your attention can turn to finding a dress. For that, speak to the tailor Bartoshek and take a look at his wares. You were told to get a red cotehardie of Tyrolean brocade dress, so that’s what you should buy.

If you’re feeling extra zesty, you can wait until nightfall, break into the shop and steal what you need, but again, this requires strong lockpicking which might be beyond your skill at this stage of the game.
With the wine, dress and perfume, return to Enneleyn with a fancy set of clothes for yourself and head off to the ball. This will also advance the Wedding Crashers quest too, so be aware that you’re advancing the whole story at the same time.
Where to find Kreyzl’s book in Trosky Castle
Whatever you do, Opus Magnum will go on hiatus until after the wedding is done, at which point you’ll head straight into For Whom the Bell Tolls.
Since you’re on a time limit, it’s much easier to deal with the task at hand and make your way to talk to the scribe later. What’s more, after For Whom the Bell Tolls, you get free reign of most of the castle.

Scribe Erazim is often found in his room on the western side of the castle. Speak to him and ask to borrow a book. Surprise, surprise, it seems that the book caught the attention of another castle resident, Nikvard, and has been lost since its arrival.
Henry will offer to look for the book, and learns that its author has the initials B. B. Speak with Bertha the cook, Regina the maid and Hersh the hand to advance the quest.
Bertha can be found in the Crone’s kitchen below you. Regina is Lord von Bergow’s personal maid and should also be on the other side of the palace. Finally, Hersh should be at the transport yard at the base of the castle.

First, speak to Bertha downstairs. But before you do, don your fanciest clothes as there’s a persuasion check incoming. Talk to her and she’ll mention brewing medicine for Nikvard, but won’t divulge the problem.
With charisma of around 20, I managed to get her to tell me Nikvard needed a common bellyache potion, owing to pooping his pants after a particularly bad spate of diarrhoea. Since he’s sensitive about the image he gives off to women around the castle, he tried to keep the incident under wraps – literally.

Next, when you catch up with Regina, she has a message from Nikvard, but is illiterate to read it. Based on the content of the letter, it becomes obvious he’s dropped the book into the loo during his difficult trip to the privy.

Go and see Hersh the hand and he has a strange request. To prove you’re not a spy in these times of war, he asks for a sword to protect against agents of evil. You can steal one, make one, buy one – whatever you like. However you need to make sure it’s specifically a “longsword” – don’t make a hunting sword and waste your time.
With a shiny new sword in-hand, Hersh will tell you that Nikvard asked you to find something for him outside the castle, but ran off before he could finish the request. Honestly, given the expense in procuring a longsword, this is not a step worth doing.

Instead, you can obviously see that the book got dropped in the privy on the crone side of the castle. So, make your way out of the front gate and and back around to the ditch at the bottom of the privy on the northwestern edge of the castle wall. There you find the expired Nikvard, slumped in a pile of excrement.

Just next to him, on top of the poop pile, you’ll find the book: Lightbringer’s Secret.
Schlep all the way down to Lower Semine Mill and speak to Kreyzl there. When you drop it off, you gain thievery and stealth XP as well as scholarship and agility.
Next, make your way over to the Lair on the other side of the river. There you find the whole crew waiting, so it back and watch the fireworks as this long quest comes to a conclusion. As a reward, you get a whole lot more XP in the various Miller skills and the recipe for lead shot gunpowder.
For more quest help and item locations, check out our in-progress Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 walkthrough!