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Kingdom Hearts IV will reset the series


The Kingdom Hearts series is often praised for its intricate storytelling and lore, but in an interview with YoungJump, even the series creator Testuya Nomura has revealed that he has to go to YouTube to remember old plot points and details. That’s just how complex the series is.

In the same interview, Nomura also revealed some important details about Kingdom Hearts IV, and what it is going to do for the overarching story. “Both Kingdom Hearts Missing Link and Kingdom Hearts IV are being made with a stronger focus on being new titles rather than sequels,” he said. “I do think of Missing Link and IV as a reset. I wanted to end it with “III” or rather reset it, so I appointed new writers and even made a new logo so that it would be easier for new people to get into it.”

Nomura also spoke a bit about the series eventually having a conclusion. Kingdom Hearts IV might be seen as a reset, but it’ll still work towards that conclusion to the narrative. Also, Sora’s famous line from the first game about any of what he’s seeing being real or not will be resolved, so there’s something for long-time fans.

Kingdom Hearts IV is in development.

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